Falko Müller »…DENN SIE TUN NICHT WAS SIE WISSEN – Ökodiktatur versus Politik der kleinen Schritte«

Falko Müller »…DENN SIE TUN NICHT WAS SIE WISSEN – Ökodiktatur versus Politik der kleinen Schritte«

By Design or by Disaster Talk Montag, 10. Dezember 2018, 18:30 unibz, Raum F 0.03   Climate Campaigning Der Klimawandel ist einer der dringlichsten Herausforderungen der Menschheit. Falko Müller war Projektleiter für den Klimaschutzaktionsplan der Landeshauptstadt München. Diese Kampagne zielt darauf ab, Menschen zu einem klimafreundlichen Verhalten zu motivieren. Falko Müller wird darüber sprechen, warum …

Juliane Stiegele »UTOPIA TOOLBOX – for working on the future«

Juliane Stiegele »UTOPIA TOOLBOX – for working on the future«

By Design or by Disaster Talk Wednesday, 28. November 2018, 18:30 unibz, room F 0.03   An incitement to radical creativity UTOPIA TOOLBOX is an international art project of people from various professional fields that provides ideas for a conscious designing of a challenging future. How do we really want to live, as individuals, in …

Jan-Christoph Zoels »Change agents«

Jan-Christoph Zoels »Change agents«

By Design or by Disaster Talk Tuesday, 20 November 2018, 18:30 unibz, room C4.06   Adapting services to people’s behavioral models Behaviours are guided by individual and collective interpretations of what is possible. Innovative services can facilitate both behavioral and cultural change, by removing barriers to people’s actions, widening their choices and helping them to …

Aart van Bezooijen »Digital Crafts – A New Relationship Between Designers and Materials for More Circular Design«

Aart van Bezooijen »Digital Crafts – A New Relationship Between Designers and Materials for More Circular Design«

By Design or by Disaster Talk Monday, 5 November 2018, 18:30 unibz, room F0.03 »Materials are key ingredients to a more sustainable future« Moving towards a circular economy requires a different way of dealing with the valuable resources of our planet. A circular economy does not only involve economics but demands a stronger integration of …

Tom Bieling »Design as Inclusion«

Tom Bieling »Design as Inclusion«

By Design or by Disaster Talk Wednesday, 10 October 2018, 18:30 unibz, room F0.01 »The word disability is, at best, an inappropriate label for a poorly designed world« Tom Bieling, THE ATLANTIC, June 26, 2013 »In the conceptualisation and development of information–communication–technologies as well as in policy making, the needs, experiences and knowledge of socially …

Tues, 22.5., 10:00 Maurizio Montalti “Material alternatives and our bio-degradable future/s”

Tues, 22.5., 10:00 Maurizio Montalti “Material alternatives and our bio-degradable future/s”

Amsterdam based designer Maurizio Montalti will give a lecture “Material alternatives and our bio-degradable future/s” addressing the theme -designing with living systems and organisms-, invited by the projects Copy.Paste.Culture. and Design After Humans-Dystopia is Now. The lecture will start at 10:00 and take place on the 4th floor, room C4.06, in Faculty of Design and …

Design, Delusion, Desire

Design, Delusion, Desire

The Milano Design Week & the Desire Week at MACAO After around 30 years of working as a designer I visited the notorious Design Week Milano for the first time. I went there, because I was invited to participate in the Desire Week at the cultural center MACAO, together with my colleague Matteo Moretti and …

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt: SEEING, SKETCHING, UNDERSTANDING: qualitative research in urban labyrinth

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt: SEEING, SKETCHING, UNDERSTANDING: qualitative research in urban labyrinth

tuesday | 03.04.2018 | 19:00 | unibz f 0.01 Qualitative social research is a creative field. With three examples developed at the Bauhaus-University Weimar (DE), this talk stimulates new ways of exploring cities/societies and shows how to integrate artistic approaches. Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt Frank Eckardt is an urban sociologist and professor at the Bauhaus-Universität …



tuesday | 19.12.2017 | 19:00 | unibz C4.01 In times of crises and uncertainty, many designers want to have a positive impact on the world. This is easier said than done. How can socially or politically engaged design exist within the neoliberal order? How do designers make sure their work is not being used to …

Can we design a good life? Even in the countryside?

Can we design a good life? Even in the countryside?

In the beginning of November a delegation of the MA Eco-Social Design travelled to South-Germany to be part of the small but charming symposium ‘Stadt.Land.Schluss.’ in Marktoberdorf (Allgäu). Together with around hundred other people of all creative and traditionally not-so-creative fields we listened, discussed, danced, created, ate, exchanged,… – to gain an understanding of if …

Holy Shit!

Holy Shit!

Die Pop-Up Ausstellung HOLY SHIT bringt ein Thema zur Sprache, das sonst eher selten in der Öffentlichkeit auftaucht: Was genau steckt eigentlich hinter dem täglichen Geschäft? Ist Scheiße wirklich scheiße? Und warum ist es wichtig, das Tabu zu brechen und darüber zu sprechen, was genau mit dem Endprodukt unserer Verdauung passiert? HOLY SHIT beleuchtet das …



Silke Helfrich: Commons leicht gemacht die welt frei, fair und nachhaltig gestalten ein partizipativer vortrag mit silke helfrich commons institut e.v. & commons strategies group montag | 16.10.2017, 19:00 | unibz  F0.03 If you don’t understand German or you want to go deeper and into creative practice: On Tuesday and Wednesday we will have a …

Cultivating Commons by Design

Cultivating Commons by Design

The new annual theme of the MA Eco-Social Design is Commoning?! All students and teachers of the 1st year draw inspiration from the ideas and practices of cultivating Commons – in manifold ways. What are Commons? They are things/resources/projects that are managed by groups of people, who are not owners, but rather co-responsible and more …

New Blog

New Blog

The blog By Design or by Disaster has been redesigned completely (some things need to be optimized still, but we launch nonetheless – call it perpetual beta ;). The teachers and students of the MA Eco-Social Design will publish here about ongoing activities in and around the Master course, about projects, ideas and issues of design, …

MAKE WORK WORK! By Design or by Disaster Conference, 10-11 March 2017

MAKE WORK WORK! By Design or by Disaster Conference, 10-11 March 2017

Make work work! Practices in Eco-social design that are sustainable, also economically with Brave New Alps (IT, Rovereto / UK Leeds), Studio Polpo (UK, Sheffield), Raumlabor (DE, Berlin), Isacco Chiaf (IT, Tourin), Bas van Abel of Fairphone (NL, Utrecht Area / to be confirmed), Friederike Habermann (DE), Armin Bernhard (IT, Obervinschgau) In this conference we explore how …