The totem plants of Terrapolis, her garden and table in Tarcal, Tokaj wine region (HU), are orach and chard.

Gabò Bartha: Terrapolis experience in Tokaj region, Hungary – a foodscape niche with orach

Monday, 27 May, 18:30 – 20:00, F0.01, Faculty for Design & Art, Unibz

The talk is about how Terrapolis garden and its guest table came into being after settling to a world heritage wine region in a severely underdeveloped part of Hungary following a series of food-related activities.  I will also give an insight into my everyday practices of chemical product-free gardening that combines permaculture and organic gardening methods aiming at increasing biodiversity, which is in contrast with the local gardening culture. The large variety of non-conventional edible plants form the basis of Terrapolis’ culinary concept, that is partly rooted in poor woman’s kitchen from olden times. Sharing the passion, knowledge and aesthetics of handling these plants, and of an ecological approach is also my aim when offering food to visitors. I will also talk about the challenges of these intersecting endeavors.

Gabó Bartha has been working with food for more than a decade in various ways from activism, gardening, foraging, cooking, giving talks to performing and exhibiting. The totem plants of Terrapolis, her garden and table in Tarcal, Tokaj wine region (HU), are orach and chard. Her work on food and her the discourse on totem plans fits very well into the this year theme of making transformation tangible.