Teaching Position: Transformative Work as a Livelihood

Teaching Position: Transformative Work as a Livelihood

For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Information Designer & Visual Story Telling’. Here is the call. Application deadline: 01.09.2023, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure, please email Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the teaching …

Teaching Position: Information Designer & Visual Story Telling

Teaching Position: Information Designer & Visual Story Telling

For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Information Designer & Visual Story Telling’. Here is the call. Application deadline: 11.08.2023, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure, please email Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the teaching …

Teaching Position: ‘Communication-Interaction-Services’ in Eco-Social Design

Teaching Position: ‘Communication-Interaction-Services’ in Eco-Social Design

For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Communication-Interaction-Services’ co-leading the ‘Thesis Preparation Project’ in Eco-Social Design. Here is the call. Application deadline: 10.08.2023, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the …

STRING FIGURING by design AND by disaster

STRING FIGURING by design AND by disaster

Many know string figures from their childhood. They exist in many cultures. One person stretches a looped cord between their fingers, the next person takes over and crosses the cord in such a way that a pattern is created, which in turn is taken over and changed by another person, and so on. In this …

Exhibiting STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together

Exhibiting STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together

End-of summer semester exhibitionFaculty for Design & ArtFr, 9 June 18:00 – 22:00 OpeningSa, 10 June 11:00 – 17:00 »…we require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.«   Donna Haraway In this spirit 12 teams of students of the Master in Eco-Social Design co-create contributions to social-ecological transformations together with diverse …

Terrestrial Cosmologies

Terrestrial Cosmologies

30 May 2023, 18:00 – 20:00unibz, F6 (hybrid, on site presence preferred) Students and teachers–researchers are sharing of the experiences and observations they made in the area of Batman, East Turkey. This excursion is part of the “Erasmus – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)” between University of Fine Arts Hamburg, Germany Fine Arts Academy (Studio Experimentelles …

Isacco Chiaf “Design for social good”

Isacco Chiaf “Design for social good”

How to combine journalism, storytelling and design practices to make an impact Thursday, 18 May, 17:30, hybrid*unibz, F0.01 Isacco Chiaf is an art director and UX designer, with a background in journalism and campaigning. He focuses on design products for good causes. By creating digital content aimed at communicating a variety of socially relevant issues, …

UPCON – Upcycling Convention: 19+20 May

UPCON – Upcycling Convention: 19+20 May

Feel very welcome to this year’s edition of the UPCON – Upcycling Convention in Bressanone/Brixen! This 4th edition comes with a conference on Friday evening, starting from 19:00 at the cultural hotspot ASTRA. After a keynote by Materialnomaden (Vienna) and short talks by Jennifer Aksu (Berlin) and Martin Welker (Berlin) there will be a short discussion …

Open Talk: IM KONTEXT / NEL CONTESTO: Vom Acker auf den Teller? at the Museion with eco-social designers Merve Bektas, Meike Hollnaicher, and agronomist Dr. Jutta Staffler

Open Talk: IM KONTEXT / NEL CONTESTO: Vom Acker auf den Teller? at the Museion with eco-social designers Merve Bektas, Meike Hollnaicher, and agronomist Dr. Jutta Staffler

On May 18, the themes of the PLOT exhibition at MUSEION will be an opportunity to understand the important diversity of fertile humus as a metaphor for sustainable local agriculture and ethically behaving society. In dialogue with the audience and invited speakers from local entities committed to the environment and sustainable agriculture, the public will …

Eco-Social Design at Time Week

Eco-Social Design at Time Week

Bolzano–Bozen is the capital of time in 2023 and currently holding an international conference. Part of it are Eco-Social Designers with their ongoing projects; Eliza Zimmermann’s and Nicole Faiella Perdomo’s thesis project on Time Interactions for Care (IG), and the 2nd semester project About Time by Clara Vardon, Koen Reerink and Rosario Castro. Here you …

Fashion For Future Bolzano

Fashion For Future Bolzano

Social Conference, Materials Exhibition and Interactive Workshops Thinking and acting for more sustainable and fair fashion with a social conference, materials exhibition and interactive workshops in Bolzano, 27.4.—6.5.2023

Open Talk: From Toxic Textile Troubles to Fabulous Fibre Futures by Alexandra Fruhstorfer

Open Talk: From Toxic Textile Troubles to Fabulous Fibre Futures by Alexandra Fruhstorfer

28.03.2023, Tuesday, at 17:30, F4.06 Atelier, Unibz. Alexandra Fruhstorfer is a transdisciplinary designer and researcher. In her practice she questions prevalent political and cultural paradigms, while trying to embrace phenomena of accelerated technological and ecological change. Using design as a strategic, yet playful tool she aims to enable more equitable imaginaries for our material culture …

<strong>La Dolce Ciclovita per l’Italia at Klimahouse 2023 – Prize-giving ceremony for the In Motion team</strong>

La Dolce Ciclovita per l’Italia at Klimahouse 2023 – Prize-giving ceremony for the In Motion team

A week before the thesis presentations of the March session, the graduating project “La Dolce Ciclovita per l’Italia”, by the In Motion collective (Michelangelo Lamonaca and Vivian Art Rustige), will be awarded by Isola Ursa Institute at the Klimahouse event. The Italian institute, which is composed of professionals from the field of urban and landscape …

Open Call: Junior Researcher at the Competence Centre for Sustainability

Open Call: Junior Researcher at the Competence Centre for Sustainability

Open call for a 3-year junior university researcher (fixed-term contract, RTDa) at the Competence Centre for Economical, Ecological and Social Sustainability at the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, dedicated to “Participatory design and visual narration to inspire and enable more solidary and sustainable modes of production and living”. Deadline for applications: January 30th at 12:00 PM …

Open Call: Research Assistant for ‘BIODESIGN’ Project

Open Call: Research Assistant for ‘BIODESIGN’ Project

Open call for a 12-month Research Assistant Position (assegnista di ricerca / Forschungsassistent*in) at the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, dedicated to “BIODESIGN – Exploring the Educational Practice of Growing Biomaterials for Sustainable Design”. Deadline for applications: January 31st at 12:00 PM (noon)Starting around April 2023 The project focuses …

20-21/01/2023 mostra ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞  transforming together ∞ exhibition

20-21/01/2023 mostra ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞  transforming together ∞ exhibition

MA Eco-Social Design, 2022/23Faculty for Design and Art, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano4th floor in building F Venerdì ∞ Friday17:00 Visite guidate con i partner del progetto 1 ∞ Guided tours with partners of project 1, atelier F4.0118:00 Inaugurazione ufficiale ∞ Official opening19:00 Masteritivo Sabato ∞ Saturday11:00–17:00 Mostra ∞ Exhibition ↓ Italiano In project 1, students of the Master in …

Zum Paradies

Zum Paradies

Jede*r hat irgendeine Vorstellung vom Paradies, was das Paradies sein könnte. Aber wir müssen das nicht ganz genau festnageln mit etwas. Und so haben wir uns auf den Weg gemacht, und probieren etwas aus. [Dabei kommt vor], dass wir uns verlaufen, dass wir Umwege gehen, usw. Aber wir müssen versuchen Zukünfte auszuprobieren, um zu sehen, …

Extended call: Hands-on Workshops ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23

Extended call: Hands-on Workshops ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23

extended call until February 7th 2023 »…Social-ecological transformation requires the interplay of many actors, building upon each other, interconnecting niches, imagining and experimenting care and commoning, criticising and supporting each other, passing on knowledge and narrations in collective actions..« 1.5 Hours x 15 Workshops We are searching for practitioners to lead hands on workshops promoting …

Proceedings of the Care Beyond Crisis conference

Proceedings of the Care Beyond Crisis conference

By Design or by Disaster is the title of a series of conferences co-developing with the Master in Eco-Social Design at the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy. It is an opportunity for a lively exchange on the creative practices contributing to social-ecological transformations. Both speakers and participants come from diverse fields of practice, ranging from …

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk

Let‘s connect the city! Join us in a Christmas-Walk from Bozen‘s Obstmarkt to the area behind the trainstation. There will be live music throughout the walk and a small concert with Glühwein at the area.
We start at on Saturday, 17.12, at 14:00h in Obstmarkt and walk together to the area opposite Via del Macello 19. Live musik by TurboTrööT!
For more information follow A place to B(z).