Design for Social: Transdisciplinary teaching and learning at the Master in Eco-Social Design

Essay: Transdisciplinary teaching and learning at the Master in Eco-Social Design

Elena Giunta of Studio Shift invited me to write a contribution for the book “Design for Social”. I took it as an opportunity to describe and reflect on the teaching/learning in and around the MA Eco-Social Design, our achievements, learnings and challenges.

Abstract: The 2-year masters program in Eco-Social Design is a practice-oriented, transformation-engaged and transdisciplinary educational framework for designers that aim to contribute to solidary and sustainable modes of production and living — both locally and trans-locally. This article first outlines the conceptual framing behind it. Thereafter, I describe, how this unconventional program is working and evolving in practice, and which structures and culture have been developed to maintain it. Finally, I point to challenges and future perspectives. I write from the perspective I reached after 10 years of engagement for/in/around the program – a continuous collective learning process. Over time, my understanding changes. Others – teacher/researcher/students/partners – may tell the story differently.

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