From 20.–24. April 2024: This year, as part of Fashion Revolution Week, we are focusing on the three pillars of sustainable development. Society can only function well if ecological, economic and social aspects are given equal consideration. We will introduce people and their projects that show how things can be done better, we will talk …
Social Forum sull’Abitare
Dal 18 al 20 aprile, si terrà a Bologna il Social Forum dell’Abitare, iniziativa che vede coinvolte in rete oltre 200 organizzazioni di varia natura da ogni parte dell’Italia con l’obiettivo di promuovere politiche e pratiche per il dirotto all’abitare accessibile e giusto. In vista dell’appuntamento nazionale, sono state organizzate due serate a Bolzano (lunedì …
Culture jamming, Online hoaxes and Tactical Media lecture
Hesso Plattner, culture jammer, tactical media and hoaxer, will give a lecture on his work and then be available for questions. unibz, room C1.05Friday March 22nd, 15:30 Since 2013, the Berlin based artivist collective Peng! as focused on culture jamming, online hoaxes and tactical media. Some of their media stunts include an exit organisation for secret service …
Essay: Transdisciplinary teaching and learning at the Master in Eco-Social Design
Elena Giunta of Studio Shift invited me to write a contribution for the book “Design for Social”. I took it as an opportunity to describe and reflect on the teaching/learning in and around the MA Eco-Social Design, our achievements, learnings and challenges. Abstract: The 2-year masters program in Eco-Social Design is a practice-oriented, transformation-engaged and …
By Design and by Disaster conference 2024: Call for workshops and talks
Following the call for papers and visual essays for By Design and by Disaster Conference 2024, we are excited to announce calls for hands-on workshops and 7 x 7 talks today. By Design and by Disaster has been bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as design, art, sciences, activism, rural and urban development, etc. since 2013. Taking place in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta …
”Is it possible to make culture here?”
A conversation of students in MA Eco-Social Design and Rosario Talevi with Robida Collective A group of students and teachers of the MA Eco-Social Design travels from Bolzano to the village of Topoló/Topolove – at the border between Italy and Slovenia – to encounter Robida collective, a young association that takes care of the abandoned …
Change Agents: Inter-institutional collaborations in social design
Presentation and panel discussion connected to the Erasmus+ funded project Change Agents. How to establish virtuous collaborations serving the real needs of different communities using design? The project Change Agents explores how to create lasting infrastructures of collaboration between different key social agents and institutional settings in social design education and practice. The project wishes …
Research Assistant – Playground: Designing Visions of Play in a More-than-Human-World
UNIBZ’s Faculty of Design and Art is seeking a Research Assistant with a track record in design research in the context of eco-social transformation. The research assistant will work within the framework of the project, “Playground: Designing Visions of Play in a More-than-Human World“, funded by UNIBZ’s internal start-up grant. From the outset, this project asks …
Proceeding 2023 published: String Figures ∞ Transforming Together
In 2023 with the 10th anniversary of the conference series, we organized an academic track, based on a call for papers and visual essays, and a double-blind peer-review process. To our surprise, the academic track, which went in parallel to hands-on workshops, has been extremely well attended and included lively discussions. So, we plan to …
By Design and by Disaster Conference & Calls
We are glad to announce the upcoming By Design and by Disaster Conference, taking place in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta on 10 – 14 July 2024 (featuring an optional joint program with Klimacamp Alto Adige on 13 – 14th July in Vöran-Verano). Since 2013 we’ve been bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as …
Change Agents: Blueprints for Inter-institutional Collaborations in Social Design
ERASMUS+ KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education Change Agents is a “cooperation partnerships in higher education” funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project consortium consists of six higher education institutions (MOME, unibz, EKA, UdK, ELISAVA, Shenkar) and two NGOs as associated partners (OfficineVispa in Bozen-Bolzano and Democratic Society in Berlin). …
Creative Composting – The role of soil in engaging communities, creating daily circularity and activating microorganisms
Lecture: 11-12hDate: 6.12.2023Location: BITZ fablab Photo: DIY instructions for Terra Preta In this seminar, Ayumi Matsuzaka will share several community examples of creating Terra Preta Soil substrate in various neighbourhoods of Berlin. Since 2015, the neighbourhood of Eden garden (Berlin-Pankow) has collected kitchen waste and have created a Terra Preta substrate together. The members order …
Winter Wonder Land
Veronika Hackl (Vienna, Austria) Lecture: 18-19hDate: 20.11.2023Location: F4.01 The public lecture and (internal) workshop “Winter Wonder Land” explores possibilities of using public spaces in the cold season. When we speak about the use of public space and a democratization of the city, we often think of the need for green spaces, shady places to linger, …
Material Talks: Technosoil – The Origin Of The Future Soil
Lecture: 18-19hDate: 14.11.2023Location: BITZ fablab Photo: Making of TECHNOSOIL popup exhibition. Through a public lecture and (internal) workshop we will learn and experience more about the research of multidisciplinary-designer Davide Balda on the use and study of the earth to create a new sustainable building material that replaces materials such as cement, which production processes …
On Transformative Spatial Practices
Date: 14.11 2023 – from 14:00-16:00 A Lecture Conversation hosted by Project 3 open for all MA students On transformative Spatial Practices with Daria Habicher – introducing The future of Stilfs–Stelvio (and beyond) Marielle Scharfenberg – presenting A Place to BZ and Martina Dandolo – advancing Italy goes Mietshäusersyndikat. Daria Habicher, born 1993 in Bolzano, …
STRING FIGURES ∞ laboratori e interventi ludici
Domenica, 8.10.23, 15:30-20:00, SundayBolzano Don Bosco → La Rotonda ∞ Via Alessandria, 47B Laboratori & interventi ludici ∞ Playful workshops & interventionsMaster Eco-Social Design & OfficineVispa 15:30Opening & Visita guidata18:00Abitare Stanca: Manifesto per politiche abitative trasformative ∞ Manifesto for Transformative Housing Policies → PDF DE ∞ IT18:30Aperitivo lungo & musica »Questo significa aprirsi a collaborazioni …
Parliament of Sustainable Fashion: Online Conference 08/10
Globally the fashion industry generates a complex web of environmental and social issues; and while sustainable fashion seems to be on trend, the rate of clothing consumption continues to rise. The sustainable fashion discourse often upholds capitalist structures and inequality. This is because it benefits the wealthy and links morality to economic status. Industry efforts …
Material Crush x Science Live
During the this year’s SCIENCE LIVE, we will introduce you to established materials including our favourite sustainable alternatives from the material library at the Faculty of Design and Art. With the support of Artificial Intelligence, we will explore how to transform local byproducts into future application ideas. Curious how this works? We’ll include a live design session (Fri 19–20h) where you can see how the physical meets the digital!
We’re Hiring a Junior Professor at the Design Friction Lab
The Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano (Italy) is opening a position as Junior Professor (RTD-A) for the Design Friction Lab, a Multidisciplinary Research Lab and Design Studio at the intersection of science and the industry, of reality, innovation and vision. We constantly seek out the next big vision and …
Teaching Position: Transformative Work as a Livelihood
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Information Designer & Visual Story Telling’. Here is the call. Application deadline: 01.09.2023, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure, please email Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the teaching …
Teaching Position: Information Designer & Visual Story Telling
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Information Designer & Visual Story Telling’. Here is the call. Application deadline: 11.08.2023, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure, please email Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the teaching …
Teaching Position: ‘Communication-Interaction-Services’ in Eco-Social Design
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Communication-Interaction-Services’ co-leading the ‘Thesis Preparation Project’ in Eco-Social Design. Here is the call. Application deadline: 10.08.2023, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the …
STRING FIGURING by design AND by disaster
Many know string figures from their childhood. They exist in many cultures. One person stretches a looped cord between their fingers, the next person takes over and crosses the cord in such a way that a pattern is created, which in turn is taken over and changed by another person, and so on. In this …
Exhibiting STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together
End-of summer semester exhibitionFaculty for Design & ArtFr, 9 June 18:00 – 22:00 OpeningSa, 10 June 11:00 – 17:00 »…we require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.« Donna Haraway In this spirit 12 teams of students of the Master in Eco-Social Design co-create contributions to social-ecological transformations together with diverse …
Terrestrial Cosmologies
30 May 2023, 18:00 – 20:00unibz, F6 (hybrid, on site presence preferred) Students and teachers–researchers are sharing of the experiences and observations they made in the area of Batman, East Turkey. This excursion is part of the “Erasmus – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)” between University of Fine Arts Hamburg, Germany Fine Arts Academy (Studio Experimentelles …