Teaching Position: ‘Social Interaction Design’

Teaching Position: ‘Social Interaction Design’

For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced expert for teaching the course ‘Social Interaction Design’. Here is the call. Application deadline 21 January 2022, 12:00 a.m. CET. If you have questions about the application procedure, please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the …

Material Talks – Do-It-Yourself Materials

Material Talks – Do-It-Yourself Materials

This edition is all about do-it-yourself (DIY) materials. Date and Time: November 24, 9:00Location: Online / Teams link The world of materials for design is constantly evolving. Designers continually need to update themselves and find unusual lenses and novel tools to investigate this vibrant world. We have moved from traditional materials to industrial materials, and …

Silke Helfrich 13.7.1967–10.11.2021

Silke Helfrich 13.7.1967–10.11.2021

Liebe Silke, vor kurzem hat mich die traurige Nachricht Deines Todes erreicht. Durch Dich habe ich angefangen Commons und Comming zu verstehen. Du hast meinen Blick auf die Welt verändert. Den kritischen Blick auf Geschichte und Gegenwart, und das kreative Erblicken von Möglichkeiten. Der Möglichkeit einer besseren Gesellschaft, und deren Gegenwart im Bestehenden. Über dieses …

Material Talks – Hemp

Material Talks – Hemp

Material Talks is a series of lectures focused on matter. This first edition is all about hemp. Date and Time: November 2, 18:00Location: Online / Teams link Hemp is an agricultural plant that does not need insecticides or pesticides to flourish. By capturing carbon dioxide more efficiently than trees it could even reduce our carbon …

Salotto Don Bosco – Qui, i discorsi si accendono

Salotto Don Bosco – Qui, i discorsi si accendono

29/10/2021, 17:00 – 20:00 Community Hub La RotondaVia Alessandria 47/B google map A cura di OfficineVispa e del Master in Eco-Social Design della Libera Università di Bolzano in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Famiglia, Donna, Gioventù e Promozione sociale del Comune di Bolzano.  Gli studenti del corso in Eco-Social Design vi invitano a dire la vostra sul futuro di don Bosco. A scaldare la discussione …

Semester Inaugural Talk

Semester Inaugural Talk

“Democracy beyond disciplines: Transdisciplinary means, strategies, and approaches for amplified democratic practices“ Join us on Sept 27th 2020 (5pm) Unibz Aula Magna or via MS Teams // ENG: With the term “democracy”, one might directly associate the representative democratic system with its periodic elections, campaigns, and televised debates. However, democracy can also represent a vast …

MA Eco-Social Design → Project 2: CARE

MA Eco-Social Design → Project 2: CARE

… caring be viewed as a species activity that includes everything that we do to maintain, continue, and repair our ‘world’ so that we can live in it as well as possible. That world includes our bodies, our selves, and our environment, all of which we seek to interweave in a complex, life-sustaining web. Bernice …

By Design or by Disaster Conference 2021: Workstorming → transformative work for livelihoods

By Design or by Disaster Conference 2021: Workstorming → transformative work for livelihoods

By Design or by Disaster Conference on working on transformation and the transformation of work.New Date: 23–26 September 2021Bolzano–Bozen & Upper Vinschgau (South Tirol, Italy) Call for 7 x 7 short inputs related to transformative work for livelihoods. EXTENDED: 27 July 2021 A great social-ecological transformation towards sustainable, resilient, and solidary modes of living and …

Transforming the City by Care

Transforming the City by Care

10 micro trasformazioni a Bolzano Don Bosco10 micro-interventions in Bolzano Don Bosco Presentazione di Transforming the City by Care (TCC), un progetto sviluppato all’interno del Master in Eco-Social Design e nato dagli intenti comuni e dalla collaborazione tra la Libera Università di Bolzano, la cooperativa sociale OfficineVispa e L’Ufficio Famiglia, Donna, Gioventù e Promozione sociale …

Seçil Uğur Yavuz: From the body to play design – a body-centric design project

Seçil Uğur Yavuz: From the body to play design – a body-centric design project

By Design or by Disaster TALK: Tuesday, 9 March, 17:30 Zoom link In design research, there are many methods which provides designers valuable insights during the design process. These insights are generally based on qualitative or quantitative data that is collected by using various tools and probes. When designing  interaction, the human body itself can become …

Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein: Care and the City

Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein: Care and the City

Book Presentation, Lecture and Discussion: Tuesday, 23 March, 09:00 Zoom-link Care and the City, edited by Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein, Nir Cohen, Henrik Lebuhn, Kim Trogal, Tihomir Viderman and Tigran Haas (2021, forthcoming), Routledge: New York/London. The interdisciplinary book Care and the City offers an array of contributions that deal with different manifestations and understandings …

Matthew Lee-Smith: Designing Technological Beings_Taking a Non-Human Perspective in Design

Matthew Lee-Smith: Designing Technological Beings_Taking a Non-Human Perspective in Design

Designing Technological Beings: Taking a Non-Human Perspective in Design Online talk: Friday 26th February, 17:00 link Towards the Realm of Materiality – TROMOpening a series of meetings, talks and workshops led by designers and artists to explore, through both the instruments of speculative design and transmedia processes, the oeuvre and the non-existing technologies imagined by …

Kris >< Krois: Transformation Approaches

Kris >< Krois: Transformation Approaches

By Design or by Disaster TALK: Monday, 1 March, 17:30Slides (PDF, 250 kb) There is a wide consensus that the aggravating multiple crises urgently requires a great social-ecological transformation towards more solidary, resilient and sustainable futures. There is much less consensus on how this transformation can and should be enabled. Diverse approaches, concepts and means …

David Calas: Pushing Boundaries …

David Calas: Pushing Boundaries …

By Design or by Disaster TALK: Tuesday, 23 Feb, 17:30Zoom-link Pushing Boundaries, probably a commonly used buzzword that defines the point where we are heading know in these challenging times, becomes the umbrella term of this introduction lecture.Theory-driven, research-oriented and practice-related investigations from academia and private projects show the boundaries of design in general and …

ERASMUS+evening 2021

ERASMUS+evening 2021

Monday, 8 Feb 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 Several exchange partners of the Faculty of Design and Art present themselves. The focus is on programs of interest for the students of the MA Eco-Social Design, but the event is also relevant for students of the BA in Design and Art, who are looking for Masters programs …

Project 3: Design Research

Project 3: Design Research

Faculty: Amy Franceschini + Daniele Lupo / Design Research – Prof. Alastair Fuad-Luke(Image: MUF Art/Design: Broadway Estate Community Garden Tilbury 2005) Research through Design, Exploration and ExperimentationProject 3 occurs in the second year of the Masters in Eco-Social Design program. This third semester marks a significant shift from group work and professor-driven projects to a …

CARE BEYOND CRISES ∙ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2020

CARE BEYOND CRISES ∙ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2020

17–19 December 2020 – online and convivial with Niels Hendriks (Dementia lab), Amy Franceschini (Future Farmers), Bianca Elzenbaumer (Alpine Community Economies Lab / Brave New Alps) Andrea Vetter (Laboratory for new economic ideas), Andreas Unteidig (MA Transformationdesign, HbK Brunswickshig), Elke Krasny (exhibition & book: ‘Critical Care – Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet’) and …

Transforming the City by Care

Transforming the City by Care

Nel quadro del progetto Transforming the City by Care (TCC), circa 30 studenti del Master in Eco-Social Design collaborano con la Cooperativa Sociale OfficineVispa nel quartiere Don Bosco durante il semestre invernale 2020/21 intorno allo spazio di comunità La Rotonda (all’interno del  “Lotto C” dei caseggiati IPES). Il progetto si presenta come approfondimento della collaborazione …

Teaching Position: ‘Objects–Spaces–Services’ in Eco-Social Design

Teaching Position: ‘Objects–Spaces–Services’ in Eco-Social Design

For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Objects–Spaces–Services’ co-leading the studio course ‘Project 2’ in Eco-Social Design. Here is the call. Application deadline 16 November 2020, 12:00 a.m. If you have questions about the application procedure please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions …