Fashion For Future Bolzano 2024

Fashion For Future Bolzano 2024

From 20.–24. April 2024: This year, as part of Fashion Revolution Week, we are focusing on the three pillars of sustainable development. Society can only function well if ecological, economic and social aspects are given equal consideration. We will introduce people and their projects that show how things can be done better, we will talk …

Parliament of Sustainable Fashion: Online Conference 08/10

Parliament of Sustainable Fashion: Online Conference 08/10

Globally the fashion industry generates a complex web of environmental and social issues; and while sustainable fashion seems to be on trend, the rate of clothing consumption continues to rise.  The sustainable fashion discourse often upholds capitalist structures and inequality. This is because it benefits the wealthy and links morality to economic status. Industry efforts …

Material Crush x Science Live

Material Crush x Science Live

During the this year’s SCIENCE LIVE, we will introduce you to established materials including our favourite sustainable alternatives from the material library at the Faculty of Design and Art. With the support of Artificial Intelligence, we will explore how to transform local byproducts into future application ideas. Curious how this works? We’ll include a live design session (Fri 19–20h) where you can see how the physical meets the digital!

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck

This event focuses especially on the promotion of collaborations between universities and cities in the EU. For Bolzano we joined with the municipal council of Bolzano, Chiara Rabini, professor for eco-social design Kris Krois and Philipp Rier and Marielle Scharfenberg from A place to B(z).    group of people with backgrounds in both administration and project …

Glocal Worm-ing Exhibition at the Naturmuseum Südtirol

Glocal Worm-ing Exhibition at the Naturmuseum Südtirol

Eco-Social Design graduate Merve Bektas is exhibiting her thesis project “Glocal Worm-ing” at the Naturmuseum Südtirol, in partnership with the Faculty of Design/Art, as part of Bolzano Art Weeks 2022 Exhibition 24.09-02.10.2022 at the Naturmuseum Südtirolh 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30)Free AdmissionVia dei Bottai 1, Bolzano-Bozen From the 24th of September to the 2nd of October …

Sustainability Days / Future Materials

Sustainability Days / Future Materials

‪At this year’s Sustainability Days in South Tyrol (see offsite events) we are contributing with an inspiring materials exhibition and hands-on workshop focused on bio-based materials.‬ We are showcasing some of our favorite bio-based samples from the material library, experiments with hemp-lime bio composites, recipes for do-it-yourself materials from the BITZ fablab, and mycelium-based design …

Future Fibers

Future Fibers

The textiles industry is one the most polluting realities on our planet infamous its mass-production of cheap clothing and unethical labor practices. This year’s design and production course we decided to explore and share a more positive side of textiles with innovative ways to rescue materials, do-it-yourself production and (re)considering the value of making. With …

10 June 💥 Workshop: The slightly different map: Collective mapping of structural exploitation and solidarity alternatives

10 June 💥 Workshop: The slightly different map: Collective mapping of structural exploitation and solidarity alternatives

with Lis Perks in the frame of the Sustainabilty Festival, based on KAUZ – laboratory for climate, work and future10 June 2022 at 17:00 to 19:00/20:00hFree University of Bolzano-Bozen, C3.06 We live in a world full of contradictions: exploitation and solidarity often exist next to each other. Our daily life takes place in a system …



7×7 7 People x 7 Minutes = 7 Short & Spicy StoriesWe are searching for seven people to share their practices, projects, stories, images and thoughts around Radical Care! Other than being limited to a length of seven minutes, we welcome any and all forms of delivery → talk, song, conversation, live-artistry, dance, slide-show, video, …

Semester Inaugural Talk & Workshop about Digital Commons

Semester Inaugural Talk & Workshop about Digital Commons

Talk, Sept 28th, 4.30pm (Zoom)Workshop, Sept 29th, 9am-5pm (in presence, pre-registration required) Digital Commons – Alternative approach or naive dreaming in times of platform capitalism? The Semester Inaugural Talk and Workshop of the Winter Semester 2020/21 aims at exploring the topic of “Digital Commons”. Commons describe both shared material and immaterial resources amongst the involved …

Workshop: raw wool

Workshop: raw wool

🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑Am 16. + 17. November gibt Theresa Bader einen Workshop in der BASIS Vinschgau Venosta.Mit roher Wolle von Südtiroler Schafen wird experimentiert, gefärbt und gefilzt … bis ein fertiges Produkt entsteht. 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑On the 16th and 17th of November Theresa Bader is doing a Workshop about wool in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta.Local and raw wool will be …

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz

Please visit the conference site for more up-to-date information: I am happy to announce another issue of our conference series tackling Eco-Social Design. The focus of this years conference is ESSEN / ALIMENTARE / FOOD = also the annual topic of the Master in Eco-Social Design. We will have talks and workshops with Ezio …

Glocal Design Spring 2015

Glocal Design Spring 2015

March 27–28, Bolzano, Italy / transdisciplinary convention on / transformative actions, design & research \ local developments & global contexts / design as a catalyst of change in preparation of the Master in Glocal Design. with \ Christa Müller / Aral Balkan \ Lucas Evers / Doina Petrescu \ Brave New Alps / Armin Bernhard \ Günter …

Die Kunst des Wandels …

Die Kunst des Wandels …

… lautet das aktuelle Theme der Konferenz “Think more about”, die von Donnerstag Abend bis Samstag in Brixen  statt findet. Key-Notes am Donnerstag Abend (u.a.): Harald Welzer – Das Ende der Welt wie wir sie kannten Silke Helfrich – Commons. Für eine Neue Kultur jenseits von Markt und Staat Am Freitag gibt es eine Menge viel versprechender Vorträge und …

Wir alle sind Gestalter! SKONSUMOFESTA unibz 9-10.5.

Wir alle sind Gestalter! SKONSUMOFESTA unibz 9-10.5.

“Do It Ourselves” ist das Motto der Zeit, einer Zeit der Krise und damit auch der Chancen – Chancen für eine Entwicklung hin zu nachhaltigeren Weisen des Produzierens, des Konsumierens, des Zusammenlebens und -arbeitens. Eine treibende Kraft in dieser Veränderung sind wir Bürger. Wir können nicht nur wählen – alle paar Jahre mit dem Stimmzettel …



New Networks Evolving “Reality is a piece of art” (Jurgen Bey)  and art is becoming reality… Last 16th November the whole team of the workshop Cecilia Palmer & l’Orto Semi-rurali was hosted by AKRAT to complete the beautiful “tendone”. The process of a jointly produced awning for the Orto Semirurali in Bolzano started in the …