EN DE ︎IT Exhibition 18.12.2024 – 29.1.2025 Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Library, 1st Floor Climate Communication Talks 9.1.2025, 17:30 – 18:30 The Role of Information Design in Climate Citizen Assemblies with Marc Zebisch, Sabina Frei & Laisa Cordes, Moderation: Kris >< Krois, room D103 (in German language) 15.1.2025, 17:30 – 18:30 Visual Communication for Mobility …
master eco-social design
MA Eco-Social Design → Project 2: String Figures
The projects will be presented at GOG (Gäste Ospiti Guests)
Faculty for Design and Art, 4th floor.
Opening: Friday, 9 June 2024, 18:00 – 21:00.
Visits: Saturday, 10 June 2024, 11:00 – 17:00.
Saturday h 16.00 workshop on fermentation and biodiversity – project “Rundherum” – room C4.06
Being Moved: Fostering transcultural dialogue through nature-based interactions in South Tyrol
9th May 2024, 10.00 – 16.00: At the “Being Moved” event on Thursday on the Kornplatz (Piazza del Grano) in Bolzano, three just-graduated Eco-social Design students Anna Schuierer, Emma Fourie and Paulina Eberhardt will be presenting their Master’s thesis “Being Moved” as part of the Action Days for Political Education, organised by the Office for …
Winter Wonder Land
Veronika Hackl (Vienna, Austria) Lecture: 18-19hDate: 20.11.2023Location: F4.01 The public lecture and (internal) workshop “Winter Wonder Land” explores possibilities of using public spaces in the cold season. When we speak about the use of public space and a democratization of the city, we often think of the need for green spaces, shady places to linger, …
Material Crush x Science Live
During the this year’s SCIENCE LIVE, we will introduce you to established materials including our favourite sustainable alternatives from the material library at the Faculty of Design and Art. With the support of Artificial Intelligence, we will explore how to transform local byproducts into future application ideas. Curious how this works? We’ll include a live design session (Fri 19–20h) where you can see how the physical meets the digital!
Art & Design for Future: Making banners and props for the Global Climate Strike
Designers and artists try to contribute to the Global Climate Strike on 3 March 2023. We invite you to a creative session for making banners and props on 2 March 2022, 16:00 – 19:00, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Faculty for Design & Art, C4 Corridor and F4 Freiraum. It’s for all! – not only for …
STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together ∞ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2023
29 March to 1 April 2023 ← ends 1 day earlier than announced ↓ see below whyBASIS Vinschgau-VenostaSouth Tyrol, Italy The preparations of the conference are in full swing. Here is an update on the program, starting with a sneak preview on the speakers: Maria Francesca De Tullio, Ex Asilo Filangieri (Napoli, Italy), Irene Delfanti …
EXTENDED call ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together
29 March to 2 April 2023 the By Design or by Disaster Conference will take place at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta in South Tyrol, Italy. Find out more about it in this first announcement. This time we intergrate an academic track and are looking forward to papers and visual essays inspired by the focus STRING FIGURES – …
20-21/01/2023 mostra ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together ∞ exhibition
MA Eco-Social Design, 2022/23Faculty for Design and Art, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano4th floor in building F Venerdì ∞ Friday17:00 Visite guidate con i partner del progetto 1 ∞ Guided tours with partners of project 1, atelier F4.0118:00 Inaugurazione ufficiale ∞ Official opening19:00 Masteritivo Sabato ∞ Saturday11:00–17:00 Mostra ∞ Exhibition ↓ Italiano In project 1, students of the Master in …
Extended call: Hands-on Workshops ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23
extended call until February 7th 2023 »…Social-ecological transformation requires the interplay of many actors, building upon each other, interconnecting niches, imagining and experimenting care and commoning, criticising and supporting each other, passing on knowledge and narrations in collective actions..« 1.5 Hours x 15 Workshops We are searching for practitioners to lead hands on workshops promoting …
Extended call: 7 people x 7 minutes ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23
extended call until February 7th 2023 »…we require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.« Donna Haraway, 2016 We are searching for seven people to share their stories or practices around the topic of ∞ String Figures (read more about this focus in our call for papers and visual essays). We …
A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk
Let‘s connect the city! Join us in a Christmas-Walk from Bozen‘s Obstmarkt to the area behind the trainstation. There will be live music throughout the walk and a small concert with Glühwein at the area.
We start at on Saturday, 17.12, at 14:00h in Obstmarkt and walk together to the area opposite Via del Macello 19. Live musik by TurboTrööT!
For more information follow A place to B(z).
Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck
This event focuses especially on the promotion of collaborations between universities and cities in the EU. For Bolzano we joined with the municipal council of Bolzano, Chiara Rabini, professor for eco-social design Kris Krois and Philipp Rier and Marielle Scharfenberg from A place to B(z). group of people with backgrounds in both administration and project …
Intelligence Beyond the Human_by James Bridle about his new book Ways of Being
Wednesday 30 November, 2:30 pm Open lecture with Q&A streamed from F0.03, unibz, Bolzano–Bozen Online open lecture including a presentation from the author of Ways of Being, a book about AI, non-human intelligence, ecology, biological computing, more-than-human relations, published by Penguin Books in the UK in April 2022. The lecture expands on the projects annual …
KAUZ & Eco-Social Design join forces for the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER Conference 2023
KAUZ, the lab for climate justice, work and future, will do its multiplier event within the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER conference, taking place at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta in South Tyrol, Italy, 29 March – 2 April 2023. Under the umbrella topic STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together we offer a lively mix of talks, workshops, walks, …
Art & Design for Future: Making banners and props for the Global Climate Strike
Designers and artists try to contribute to the Global Climate Strike on 23 September 2022. We invite you to a creative session for making banners and props on 21 September 2022, 16:00 – 19:00, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Faculty for Design & Art, C4 Corridor and F4 Freiraum. It’s for all – not only for …
Sustainability Days / Future Materials
At this year’s Sustainability Days in South Tyrol (see offsite events) we are contributing with an inspiring materials exhibition and hands-on workshop focused on bio-based materials. We are showcasing some of our favorite bio-based samples from the material library, experiments with hemp-lime bio composites, recipes for do-it-yourself materials from the BITZ fablab, and mycelium-based design …
Future Fibers
The textiles industry is one the most polluting realities on our planet infamous its mass-production of cheap clothing and unethical labor practices. This year’s design and production course we decided to explore and share a more positive side of textiles with innovative ways to rescue materials, do-it-yourself production and (re)considering the value of making. With …
Final Exam Presentations
Thursday 17th + Friday 18th of March 2022 We are more than happy to hear and share the final exam presentations of our latest Eco-Social Design master class showcasing the dedicated work of ten upcoming graduates. Check out the timetable below and feel very welcome to join us online with this TEAMS link * * …
2 Thesis Presentations of the MA Eco-Social Design
Thursday, 14 Nov, 16:00, Faculty for Design & Art, unibz, Room F4 Freiraum Lea Luzzi: ConvivialAn interactive tool for ‘co-ideating’ social infrastructure in neighbourhoods Convivial is a participatory game designed to harness citizens’ local knowledge to creatively improve the social infrastructure in their neighbourhoods. It is designed for those who engage in community-driven neighbourhood development, …
The Pursuit of Happiness
Sa 19.10.2019, h.10-17, Piazza Università / Universitätsplatz Auf der ganzen Welt wird die Lebensqualität am Bruttoinlandsprodukt gemessen, auch wenn dieser gängige Ansatz begrenzt, teilweise sogar kontraproduktiv ist. Dank eines kulturellen und persönlichen Wachstumsprozesses entwickelt jeder Mensch in der Regel seine eigene Vorstellung von langfristigem Zufriedenheits-Glück, diese wird aber selten von den öffentlichen Organen berücksichtigt.„Was macht …
Design for Future: Making banners and props for the Global Climate Strike
Designers and artists try to contribute to the Global Climate Strike on 24. May 2019. We invite you to a creative session for making banners and props on 23 May 2019, 14:00 – 17:00, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Faculty for Design & Art, C4 Corridor. It’s for all – not only for artists and designers! …
4 Thesis Presentations of the MA Eco-Social Design
Thursday, 16.11. | 10:00–13:00 unibz C0 = entrance of the ex-hospital, from the yard behind the mensa Johanna Perret: HOLY SH-T – Auf ein Wörtchen über das stille Örtchen Supervisors: Kris Krois, Karl Emilio Pircher | C0 – Foyer Insa Keilbach: WILD BUNT – Das Permakultur-Camp Supervisors: Kris Krois, Sabina Frei | C0 – Foyer …
conference BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER spring 2018
In spring 2018 the annual conference of the MA Eco-Social Design will take place at the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano. The focus will be: In between me, you and everything we do. What can design do for commons? 23–25 March 2018 What are Commons? They are resources/projects/creations that are managed by groups of people, who are …
Joanna Boehnert, 5.12., 20:30, Unibz
On Monday, 5.12., 20:30 in Unibz, F0.01 she talks about Design / Ecology / Politics: Towards the Ecocene Dr. Joanna Boehnert is a designer, researcher and activist with expertise on the visual communication of complex problems and the politics of ecological transitions. Her first book, titled Design/ Ecology/ Politics: Toward the Ecocene, will be published by Bloomsbury …