STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together ∞ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2023

STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together ∞ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2023

29 March to 1 April 2023ends 1 day earlier than announcedsee below why
BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta
South Tyrol, Italy

The preparations of the conference are in full swing. Here is an update on the program, starting with a sneak preview on the speakers:

Maria Francesca De Tullio, Ex Asilo Filangieri (Napoli, Italy), Irene Delfanti (Verona, Italy), David Hofmann (South Tyrol, Italy, Climate Action Alliance, Scientists for Future, XR and Regala Zuklunft), La Scuola Open Source (Italy), Meike Hollnaicher (#farmfluencers, South Tyrol, Italy), GemSe, Austria, FLINTA*Space and community place in Carinthia / Koroška: Queer-feminist, solidary, anti-fascist and radically affectionate.

We received many wonderful workshops, for all senses, hands, hearts and heads. Full program, website and registration are coming soon. Stay tuned with our newsletter, this blog and the social media channels (FB, IG).

Our partner KAUZ – the laboratory for Climate Justice, Work & Future will contribute excellent workshops. The workshop manuals and materials are free and open source, to be used on climate camps, schools, adult education, universities, unions and wherever people want to learn about and get active for social-ecological transformation. KAUZ videos are on YT, and microlearnings on IG & FB, and podcasts on podigee. Enjoy, learn & spread please !-)

Sad news: The here Hier & Da Festival for Good Life in Rural Areas, will not take place as planned, because Armin Bernhard died. He was the driving force behind the festival, and many other positive developments. You can watch an interview with Armin below – inspiring and empowering words and gestures on critic, utopia and transformation in practice. In collaboration with the Citizen Cooperative Obervinschgau we will organise walks and talks on Saturday, exploring what is here, and imagining what it could become, what to keep, what to stop and what to build up on the way towards solidary and sustainable modes of living and production. In the sprit of Armin. With this, the conference will end. One day earlier than announced before.

»Everyone has some idea of what paradise could be. But we don’t have to nail it down exactly. And so we set out and try something out. [In the process] it happens that we get lost, that we take detours, and so on. But we have to try out futures to see which of these futures is practical. Which of these futures we want. We also have to experience this future to some extent. Only when we experience it then do we also feel with our body what it means to live in this other future. And then our body also tells us in this dialogue, “Yes, maybe it’s good in this direction, or no, maybe it’s not so good.” In this respect, our attempt to shimmy along a utopia is a constant manoeuvring, a constant search movement that is not clearly defined, but is more defined by the fact that we are constantly discussing it.«

From this interview with Armin Bernhard, 2022

STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together

more about this focus

Illustration: Anna Schuierer