By Design or by Disaster is the title of a series of conferences co-developing with the Master in Eco-Social Design at the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy. It is an opportunity for a lively exchange on the creative practices contributing to social-ecological transformations. Both speakers and participants come from diverse fields of practice, ranging from …
All posts by Kris Krois
Extended call: 7 people x 7 minutes ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23
extended call until February 7th 2023 »…we require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.« Donna Haraway, 2016 We are searching for seven people to share their stories or practices around the topic of ∞ String Figures (read more about this focus in our call for papers and visual essays). We …
Teaching Position: ‘Cultural Anthropology’
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an engaged teacher/researcher for the coruse in Cultural Anthropology. Here is the call. Application deadline 25 Nov 2022, 12:00 a.m. CET. If you have questions about the application procedure, please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the teaching …
Teaching Position: ‘Project Funding for Eco-Social Design’
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced expert for teaching the short seminar ‘Project Funding for Eco-Social Designers’. Here is the call. Application deadline 12 Dec 2022, 12:00 a.m. CET. If you have questions about the application procedure please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social …
Teaching Position: ‘Objects–Spaces–Services’ in Eco-Social Design
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced design practitioner with a focus on ‘Objects–Spaces–Services’ co-leading the studio course ‘Project 2’ in Eco-Social Design. Here is the call. Application deadline 12.12.2022, 12:00 a.m. (CET). If you have questions about the application procedure please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning …
KAUZ & Eco-Social Design join forces for the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER Conference 2023
KAUZ, the lab for climate justice, work and future, will do its multiplier event within the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER conference, taking place at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta in South Tyrol, Italy, 29 March – 2 April 2023. Under the umbrella topic STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together we offer a lively mix of talks, workshops, walks, …
Research Position: ‘Social Interaction Design’
The Faculty for Design & Art of the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano is looking for a designer and researcher in the field of ‘Social Interaction Design’, particularly in regard to the intersecting fields of Interface Design, Experience Design, Spatial Practices, Tactical Urbanism, Community Development, Participatory Design and Eco-Social Design. You will become part of the …
Research Position: ‘Climate Citizens Assemblies – An instrument for climate justice and inclusive decision-making?’
For the 3-year research project Climate Citizens Assemblies – An instrument for climate justice and inclusive decision-making? (CCA), we are looking for a social scientist with experience related to governance, democracy and/or participation, social justice, equality, inclusion and/or emancipatory politics. German language skills are required. You will work in a interdisciplinary team (social sciences and …
Research Position: ‘Climate Citizens Assemblies – An instrument for climate justice and inclusive decision-making?’
For the 3-year research project Climate Citizens Assemblies – An instrument for climate justice and inclusive decision-making? (CCA), we are looking for a social scientist with experience related to governance, democracy and/or participation, social justice, equality, inclusion and/or emancipatory politics. German language skills are required. You will work in a interdisciplinary team (social sciences and …
Eco-Social Design @ Biolife 2022
In der Messe Biolife stehen »nachhaltiger Lebensstil und der bewusster Konsum im Mittelpunkt«. Die Begriffe »”bio”, “regional” und “fair”« sollen so »jene Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die sie verdienen.« (Zitate von der Website der Messe). Wir stellen dort Arbeiten von Studierenden und Alumni der Master in Eco-Social Design aus, die über Konsum- und Lebensstil hinausgehen. Die Projekte …
Exhibition: Transforming the City by Care
Piazza Don Bosco – 8 Ottobre 2022 – Il 29 ottobre 2021 abbiamo organizzato l’evento partecipativo Salotto Don Bosco (documenazione) per conoscere le esigenze del quartiere Don Bosco dalle persone che ci vivono e/o lavorano. In seguito, i team di studenti del Master in Eco-Social Design hanno sviluppato 9 progetti in collaborazione con OfficineVispa e …
Art & Design for Future: Making banners and props for the Global Climate Strike
Designers and artists try to contribute to the Global Climate Strike on 23 September 2022. We invite you to a creative session for making banners and props on 21 September 2022, 16:00 – 19:00, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Faculty for Design & Art, C4 Corridor and F4 Freiraum. It’s for all – not only for …
Care until further notice – A futurist’s perspective on ‘Design or Disaster’ 2022
A guest contribution by Ludwig Weh So it was a blast, sonic fiction through the speakers of the virtually best sound system so and so far around the Alps (today I learned it features the same tech components as in Hamburg City’s Elbphilharmonie): Oohe – Nobody can beat the Mama Africa! (Jain, “Makeba”) Just as …
10 June 💥 Workshop: The slightly different map: Collective mapping of structural exploitation and solidarity alternatives
with Lis Perks in the frame of the Sustainabilty Festival, based on KAUZ – laboratory for climate, work and future10 June 2022 at 17:00 to 19:00/20:00hFree University of Bolzano-Bozen, C3.06 We live in a world full of contradictions: exploitation and solidarity often exist next to each other. Our daily life takes place in a system …
18 May 💥 Workshop: At the expense of others?
by Júlia Farriol Duran, based on KAUZ – laboratory for climate, work and future.18 May 2022 at 14:00 to 18:00hFree University of Bolzano-Bozen, Room F4.06 In the workshop “At the expense of others?” we shed light on the modern, often invisible structures of exploitation that constitute an essential part of Middle European prosperity and well-being. …
Teaching Position: ‘Eco-Social Economics’
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an engaged teacher/researcher with a background in heterodox, feminist and transformative economics. Here is the call. Application deadline 5 May 2022, 12:00 a.m. CET. If you have questions about the application procedure, please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design …
ERASMUS+evening 2022
Monday, 14 Feb 2021, 17:00 – 19:00 Several exchange partners of the Faculty of Design and Art present themselves. The focus is on programs of interest for the students of the MA Eco-Social Design, but the event is also relevant for students of the BA in Design and Art, who are looking for Masters programs …
Transforming the City by Care 2
In the project Transforming the City by Care, 9 teams of students of the Master in Eco-Social Design are working together with the social cooperative OfficineVispa in Bolzano Don Bosco for a neighbourhood development towards a more solidary and sustainable future. Particular attention is given to the diverse social practices of care, and to social …
Professorship in ‘Transformation-engaged Design Research’
The Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano offers an Associate Professorship for a design researcher focussing on social-ecological transformation. Your transdisciplinary approach is based on reflected practice, research through design, eco-social design, transformation design, participatory design, co-design, systemic design, commoning, action research and/or related fields. It is inspired by critical …
Transforming the City by Care 2021→22
↓ tavoli tematici ↓ sintesi progetti All’interno del progetto Transforming the City by Care 10 team di student* del Master in Eco-Social Design stanno lavorando insieme alla cooperativa sociale OfficineVispa di Don Bosco, Bolzano, per un sviluppo del quartiere e della comunità nel senso di una trasformazione socio-ecologica verso un futuro più solidale e sostenibile. …
Teaching Position: ‘Social Interaction Design’
For the MA Eco-Social Design we are looking for an experienced expert for teaching the course ‘Social Interaction Design’. Here is the call. Application deadline 21 January 2022, 12:00 a.m. CET. If you have questions about the application procedure, please send an email to Recruitment Design. For questions concerning the MA Eco-Social Design and the …
Silke Helfrich 13.7.1967–10.11.2021
Liebe Silke, vor kurzem hat mich die traurige Nachricht Deines Todes erreicht. Durch Dich habe ich angefangen Commons und Comming zu verstehen. Du hast meinen Blick auf die Welt verändert. Den kritischen Blick auf Geschichte und Gegenwart, und das kreative Erblicken von Möglichkeiten. Der Möglichkeit einer besseren Gesellschaft, und deren Gegenwart im Bestehenden. Über dieses …
Salotto Don Bosco – Qui, i discorsi si accendono
29/10/2021, 17:00 – 20:00 Community Hub La RotondaVia Alessandria 47/B google map A cura di OfficineVispa e del Master in Eco-Social Design della Libera Università di Bolzano in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Famiglia, Donna, Gioventù e Promozione sociale del Comune di Bolzano. Gli studenti del corso in Eco-Social Design vi invitano a dire la vostra sul futuro di don Bosco. A scaldare la discussione …
Research Position: ‘Information Design & Visual Storytelling’
The Faculty for Design & Art of the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano is looking for a designer and researcher in the field of ‘Information Design & Visual Storytelling’. You will become part of the research cluster trans–form and teach in the MA Eco-Social Design. We are looking for a person with an excellent design-practice in …
MA Eco-Social Design → Project 2: CARE
… caring be viewed as a species activity that includes everything that we do to maintain, continue, and repair our ‘world’ so that we can live in it as well as possible. That world includes our bodies, our selves, and our environment, all of which we seek to interweave in a complex, life-sustaining web. Bernice …