OPEN Ateliers of the MA Eco-Social Design Fr/Sa 20/21.1.

OPEN Ateliers of the MA Eco-Social Design Fr/Sa 20/21.1.

The MA Eco-Social Design is a transdisciplinary and practice-oriented study course educating designers that aim to move towards more sustainable, resilient and fair futures. Outcomes, developments and futures At the end of each semester we open the doors to show the outcomes, give insights in the development processes and get into conversations on future potentials …

Joanna Boehnert, 5.12., 20:30, Unibz

Joanna Boehnert, 5.12., 20:30, Unibz

On Monday, 5.12., 20:30 in Unibz, F0.01 she talks about Design / Ecology / Politics: Towards the Ecocene Dr. Joanna Boehnert is a designer, researcher and activist with expertise on the visual communication of complex problems and the politics of ecological transitions. Her first book, titled Design/ Ecology/ Politics: Toward the Ecocene, will be published by Bloomsbury …

Fritz Lietsch im DoD TALK > 19.10. 20:30 unibz

Fritz Lietsch im DoD TALK > 19.10. 20:30 unibz

Das Dream Team für eine lebenswerte Zukunft: Nachhaltigkeit & Wirtschaftlichkeit Mi 19.10. 20:30, unibz, F0.01 Unternehmen für Mensch und Umwelt, Verantwortung von Führungskräften, Corporate Social Responsability. Da werden viele Unternehmenslenker sofort entgegnen: Wir sind nicht für das undefinierbare Konstrukt „Mensch und Umwelt“ zuständig, sondern zuallererst Anteilseignern und deren Profit verpflichtet! Spätestens bei der Gesellschafter- oder …

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz

Please visit the conference site for more up-to-date information: I am happy to announce another issue of our conference series tackling Eco-Social Design. The focus of this years conference is ESSEN / ALIMENTARE / FOOD = also the annual topic of the Master in Eco-Social Design. We will have talks and workshops with Ezio …

Mostra / Ausstellung: BITTER ORANGES 11.–28.1. unibz

Mostra / Ausstellung: BITTER ORANGES 11.–28.1. unibz

BITTER ORANGES Ausstellung. Afrikanische Bootsflüchtlinge als Erntearbeiter in Kalabrien. Die Fotoausstellung bietet Einblicke in deren Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen. Sie ist das Ergebnis eines dreijährigen ethnographischen Projektes. Mostra. Profughi africani negli aranceti calabresi. L’esposizione fotografica, risultato di un progetto etnografico triennale, offre uno sguardo sulle condizioni di vita e di lavoro dei profughi. 11. – 28.1.2016 …

Teach Cultural Anthropology (closed)

Teach Cultural Anthropology (closed)

We are looking for a an dedicated personality, who wants to engage in teaching Cultural Anthropology to the students of the Master in Eco-Social Design in the summer semester 2015/16 (Feb 29 – June 22) at the Faculty of Design & Arts, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. The teaching in the Master is centered around projects, to …

Teach Web & Media Design (closed)

Teach Web & Media Design (closed)

We are looking for an excellent designer, who wants to engage in teaching WEB & MEDIA DESIGN to the students of the Master in Eco-Social Design in the summer semester  2015/16 (Feb 29 – June 22) at the Faculty of Design & Arts, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Deadline: November 30, 12:00 (UTC+01:00) Find the official call …

Presentation of MA Eco-Social Design & more

Presentation of MA Eco-Social Design & more

Wednesday, 14.10.2015 | unibz 4th floor in building F 14:00-17:00 Introduction to the Master in Eco-Social Design & presentations by all teachers of the winter semester 2015, and their relation to the annual topic /ESSEN/ALIMENTARE/FOOD/ with Prof. em. Adelheid Biesecker, Eco-Social Economics | Lisa Borgenheimer, Information Desig | Kris Krois, Visual Communication | Giorgio Laboratore, …

Sociology for Eco-Social Design & more

Sociology for Eco-Social Design & more

The Faculty for Design and Art of unibz invited 6 candidates for the Professorship in Sociology of culture and communication with a focus on design and communication for eco-social transformation 5 of them are doing public lectures within the next two weeks (as part of the hearings). You are welcome to come, listen and see: …

3 Bücher zu Eco-Social Design

3 Bücher zu Eco-Social Design

Bücher zum Thema gibt es viele, doch müsste ich mich heute auf 3 beschränken, würde ich folgende wählen – auch weil sie sich wunderbar ergänzen: “Transformationsdesign. Wege in eine zukunftsfähige Moderne” von Harald Welzer und Bernd Sommer ist dabei, weil die Authoren präzise und eloquent Leitlinien für zukunftsfähige Gestaltung skizzieren. Dabei stellen sie zunächst die …

Interview zum Master in Eco-Social Design

Interview zum Master in Eco-Social Design

Nina Kirst: Warum ist so ein Studiengang notwendig? Kris Krois: Die Konsumorientierung bringt unsere Gesellschaft an ihre ökologischen und sozialen Grenzen. Es braucht neue Muster des Wirtschaftens und Lebens – und wir glauben, dass Designer hier eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dabei geht es nicht in erster Linie um ökoeffizientere Produkte, sondern um Lebensstile, Werte und …

what the hell is nanotourism?

what the hell is nanotourism?

nanotourism is a platform to research and produce participatory, locally-oriented, non-intrusive strategies as an alternative to the current environmental, social and economic problems of the booming tourism industries. To get more concrete answers, join the DoD TALK, tuesday, 9th of June at unibz (F0.03) with architect and illustrator Silvia Susanna, who co-developing the BIO50}hotel during …

TODAY, 19:00: Snark – space making

TODAY, 19:00: Snark – space making

“snark – space making si occupa di design relazionale, di processi decisionali e di co- progettazione, percorsi partecipati e di comprensione di fenomeni complessi.” What the hell does this mean? Come and find out: By Design or by Disaster TALK: 26.5.2015 19:00 | unibz | F0.03  

Call for Professorship in Design Research | Deadline: 16.11.

Call for Professorship in Design Research | Deadline: 16.11.

We are looking for a expert in Design Research, who wants to engage in transdisciplinary collaborations in the context of eco-social transformations. Teaching will happen in our project-oriented study programs, among others in the Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal Design). Requirements: professorship (or equivalent position) outside Italy. For more information please download the official call here …