Can we make a Eco-Social-Design project in 48 hours? Yes we can!
Students from the Master in Eco-Social-Design created a navigation tool for new students to cultivate desirable habits for high oxygen (low carbon) food Journey. The outcome is half-bag, half-rucksack with a map of the city of Bolzano printed on it. The goal is to motivate new students to save CO2 in the field of mobility, food and others by exploring eco-sustainable shops in the city. The project also includes an info desk, where the project is presented and the students can get information about a person’s individual carbon footprint. Students can also stick additional information to the map and share their own good experiences with eco-sustainable shops in Bolzano. For more information, please write to

AIR BAG 1 – a 48 hours project for better air
music credits: Ana Laan, Paradise