10, 13, 17 Feb. Workshop: Patti chiari, amicizia lunga – Collaborative living in Bolzano

10, 13, 17 Feb. Workshop: Patti chiari, amicizia lunga – Collaborative living in Bolzano

During the month of February, the Patti Chiari, Amicizia Lunga workshop series will bring students, property owners, and citizens together to explore home-sharing as a collaborative housing solution. Within the framework of the Eco-Social Design master thesis of Gaia D’Inzeo, and the collaboration with the student association MUA, the Patti Chiari, Amicizia Lunga workshop series explores the concept of Home-sharing with …

Inhabiting Borders

Inhabiting Borders

Exhibition of Project 1 – Master of Eco-Social Design during the GOG – Gäste Ospiti Guests Where: Faculty of Design and Art, 4th floor, F BuildingWhen: Friday, 26.01 (from18) opening / Saturday, 27.01 (11–17)  The Faculty of Design and Art opens its doors by presenting the semester projects of its courses. Winter Semester 24/25 – …

calls ~ By Design and by Disaster 2025 on hope

calls ~ By Design and by Disaster 2025 on hope

Following the call for papers and visual essays for the By Design and by Disaster Conference 2025, we are excited to publish fresh calls for hands-on workshops and short talks.  In its annual conference, since 2013 the Master in Eco-Social Design is bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as design, art, sciences, activism, rural–urban development, alternative agricultures, etc. …

Oben bleiben: Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft –      Stare a galla: Agricoltura e società

Oben bleiben: Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft – Stare a galla: Agricoltura e società

DEDie Vortragsreihe „Oben bleiben. Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ spannt den Bogen vom Gedenkjahr 1525 an den Bauernkrieg in Tirol bis zur aktuellen Situation der Landwirtschaft in Südtirol und Europa, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Marktorientierung, Klimawandel und Umweltschutz bewegt. Damals wie heute befindet sich die Landwirtschaft in einer prekären Situation, die bäuerliches Durchhaltevermögen und Widerstand gleichermaßen …

It’s the economy / culture / power relations, stupid! And commons are the answer. 

It’s the economy / culture / power relations, stupid! And commons are the answer. 

Open Talk by Friederike HabermannMonday, 18.11., 17:30–19:00 → SlidesMaster in Eco-Social Design, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, room F6 Apocalypse has been imagined many times in history, but for the first time it can be scientifically substantiated – and the world is doing business as usual. What are the reasons? It’s the economy, stupid: Growth compulsion. …

Open Lecture: Federation of Recuperatheques (23.10)

Open Lecture: Federation of Recuperatheques (23.10)

Presentation on the functioning of Reused Material Banks, the role of the Federation of Recuperatheques, the Lansink scale (3R), the life cycle of materials, the shortages of resources, and eco-design. The open lecture is followed by a discussion and Q&A on the Récupérathèques network. Date/Time:Wednesday 23.10. from 4–6 pm Location:Room C4.03unibz – Faculty of Design …

Post Disaster Collective open lecture

Post Disaster Collective open lecture

Project 1 in Eco-Social Design is glad to present Out of the Ruins. Practices of co-imagination in precarious contextsan open lecture by the Post Disaster Collective. 10.10.2024 18:00 F0.03 – POST DISASTER (Gabriele Leo, Gabriella Mastrangelo, Grazia Mappa, Peppe Frisino) is an interdisciplinary collective whose practice intersects spatial, performative and curatorial actions. Their research uses the …

30.08., 17:30: Hope – Objection to the lack of alternatives

30.08., 17:30: Hope – Objection to the lack of alternatives

italiano ↘︎ Auftaktveranstaltung der 35. Ausgabe der Toblacher Gespräche* 30.08., 17:30, Freie Universität Bozen, Raum F6 17:30 – 18:45 Uhr Vortrag: C’è ancora speranza?! Come affrontare alcune sfide globali. Virna Bussadori 18:45 – 19:00 Uhr Pause mit Erfrischung 19:00 – 20:00 Uhr Gespräch mit dem Publikum: Toblacher Gespräche, Vergangenheit und Zukunft (ohne Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr) Die …

Being Moved: Fostering transcultural dialogue through nature-based interactions in South Tyrol

Being Moved: Fostering transcultural dialogue through nature-based interactions in South Tyrol

9th May 2024, 10.00 – 16.00: At the “Being Moved” event on Thursday on the Kornplatz (Piazza del Grano) in Bolzano, three just-graduated Eco-social Design students Anna Schuierer, Emma Fourie and Paulina Eberhardt will be presenting their Master’s thesis “Being Moved” as part of the Action Days for Political Education, organised by the Office for …

Fashion For Future Bolzano 2024

Fashion For Future Bolzano 2024

From 20.–24. April 2024: This year, as part of Fashion Revolution Week, we are focusing on the three pillars of sustainable development. Society can only function well if ecological, economic and social aspects are given equal consideration. We will introduce people and their projects that show how things can be done better, we will talk …

By Design and by Disaster conference 2024: Call for workshops and talks

By Design and by Disaster conference 2024: Call for workshops and talks

Following the call for papers and visual essays for By Design and by Disaster Conference 2024, we are excited to announce calls for hands-on workshops and 7 x 7 talks today.  By Design and by Disaster has been bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as design, art, sciences, activism, rural and urban development, etc. since 2013. Taking place in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta …

Material Crush x Science Live

Material Crush x Science Live

During the this year’s SCIENCE LIVE, we will introduce you to established materials including our favourite sustainable alternatives from the material library at the Faculty of Design and Art. With the support of Artificial Intelligence, we will explore how to transform local byproducts into future application ideas. Curious how this works? We’ll include a live design session (Fri 19–20h) where you can see how the physical meets the digital!

Exhibiting STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together

Exhibiting STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together

End-of summer semester exhibitionFaculty for Design & ArtFr, 9 June 18:00 – 22:00 OpeningSa, 10 June 11:00 – 17:00 »…we require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.«   Donna Haraway In this spirit 12 teams of students of the Master in Eco-Social Design co-create contributions to social-ecological transformations together with diverse …

Terrestrial Cosmologies

Terrestrial Cosmologies

30 May 2023, 18:00 – 20:00unibz, F6 (hybrid, on site presence preferred) Students and teachers–researchers are sharing of the experiences and observations they made in the area of Batman, East Turkey. This excursion is part of the “Erasmus – Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)” between University of Fine Arts Hamburg, Germany Fine Arts Academy (Studio Experimentelles …

Isacco Chiaf “Design for social good”

Isacco Chiaf “Design for social good”

How to combine journalism, storytelling and design practices to make an impact Thursday, 18 May, 17:30, hybrid*unibz, F0.01 Isacco Chiaf is an art director and UX designer, with a background in journalism and campaigning. He focuses on design products for good causes. By creating digital content aimed at communicating a variety of socially relevant issues, …

Open Talk: IM KONTEXT / NEL CONTESTO: Vom Acker auf den Teller? at the Museion with eco-social designers Merve Bektas, Meike Hollnaicher, and agronomist Dr. Jutta Staffler

Open Talk: IM KONTEXT / NEL CONTESTO: Vom Acker auf den Teller? at the Museion with eco-social designers Merve Bektas, Meike Hollnaicher, and agronomist Dr. Jutta Staffler

On May 18, the themes of the PLOT exhibition at MUSEION will be an opportunity to understand the important diversity of fertile humus as a metaphor for sustainable local agriculture and ethically behaving society. In dialogue with the audience and invited speakers from local entities committed to the environment and sustainable agriculture, the public will …

20-21/01/2023 mostra ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞  transforming together ∞ exhibition

20-21/01/2023 mostra ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞  transforming together ∞ exhibition

MA Eco-Social Design, 2022/23Faculty for Design and Art, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano4th floor in building F Venerdì ∞ Friday17:00 Visite guidate con i partner del progetto 1 ∞ Guided tours with partners of project 1, atelier F4.0118:00 Inaugurazione ufficiale ∞ Official opening19:00 Masteritivo Sabato ∞ Saturday11:00–17:00 Mostra ∞ Exhibition ↓ Italiano In project 1, students of the Master in …

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk

Let‘s connect the city! Join us in a Christmas-Walk from Bozen‘s Obstmarkt to the area behind the trainstation. There will be live music throughout the walk and a small concert with Glühwein at the area.
We start at on Saturday, 17.12, at 14:00h in Obstmarkt and walk together to the area opposite Via del Macello 19. Live musik by TurboTrööT!
For more information follow A place to B(z).

Intelligence Beyond the Human_by James Bridle about his new book Ways of Being

Intelligence Beyond the Human_by James Bridle about his new book Ways of Being

Wednesday 30 November, 2:30 pm Open lecture with Q&A streamed from F0.03, unibz, Bolzano–Bozen Online open lecture including a presentation from the author of Ways of Being, a book about AI, non-human intelligence, ecology, biological computing, more-than-human relations, published by Penguin Books in the UK in April 2022. The lecture expands on the projects annual …



You never have enough time? Do you want some?  We invite you to an event to share your time with others, and others share theirs with you, to do what you cannot do because you are very busy.  Where: Kehl’s Club, Via Goethe 42 When: 25-27 November 2022 (Friday 15-18h / Saturday 10-17h / Sunday 13-17h)  …

Eco-Social Design @ Biolife 2022

Eco-Social Design @ Biolife 2022

In der Messe Biolife stehen »nachhaltiger Lebensstil und der bewusster Konsum im Mittelpunkt«. Die Begriffe »”bio”, “regional” und “fair”« sollen so »jene Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die sie verdienen.« (Zitate von der Website der Messe). Wir stellen dort Arbeiten von Studierenden und Alumni der Master in Eco-Social Design aus, die über Konsum- und Lebensstil hinausgehen. Die Projekte …

Glocal Worm-ing Exhibition at the Naturmuseum Südtirol

Glocal Worm-ing Exhibition at the Naturmuseum Südtirol

Eco-Social Design graduate Merve Bektas is exhibiting her thesis project “Glocal Worm-ing” at the Naturmuseum Südtirol, in partnership with the Faculty of Design/Art, as part of Bolzano Art Weeks 2022 Exhibition 24.09-02.10.2022 at the Naturmuseum Südtirolh 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30)Free AdmissionVia dei Bottai 1, Bolzano-Bozen From the 24th of September to the 2nd of October …

Le Piazze dei Saperi – 1-2/10 Public Event Don Bosco and Europa-Novacella

Le Piazze dei Saperi – 1-2/10 Public Event Don Bosco and Europa-Novacella

Building Relationships through Community Gaming After spending two years working on eco-social projects as part of the Master’s course, Giulia Fasoli, Maria Pasqualini, Rendy Anoh, and Vanessa Deotto decided to give it a try and form a design collective entitled Collettivo Fantasma. Graduated in 2021 in the Eco-Social Design Master at the Free University of …