Following the call for papers and visual essays for the By Design and by Disaster Conference 2025, we are excited to publish fresh calls for hands-on workshops and short talks. In its annual conference, since 2013 the Master in Eco-Social Design is bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as design, art, sciences, activism, rural–urban development, alternative agricultures, etc. …
by design or by disaster

hope ~ reclaiming the future
»Start this book, or start your thesis, your essay, your talk, your thinking, your design, your gardening, your building, your song, your dance not from fear and enclosure but from richness: now is the time for our hearts to dance. Now is the time to write the poetry of overflowing.« These lines from the introduction …

It’s the economy / culture / power relations, stupid! And commons are the answer.
Open Talk by Friederike HabermannMonday, 18.11., 17:30–19:00 → SlidesMaster in Eco-Social Design, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, room F6 Apocalypse has been imagined many times in history, but for the first time it can be scientifically substantiated – and the world is doing business as usual. What are the reasons? It’s the economy, stupid: Growth compulsion. …

Post Disaster Collective open lecture
Project 1 in Eco-Social Design is glad to present Out of the Ruins. Practices of co-imagination in precarious contextsan open lecture by the Post Disaster Collective. 10.10.2024 18:00 F0.03 – POST DISASTER (Gabriele Leo, Gabriella Mastrangelo, Grazia Mappa, Peppe Frisino) is an interdisciplinary collective whose practice intersects spatial, performative and curatorial actions. Their research uses the …

30.08., 17:30: Hope – Objection to the lack of alternatives
italiano ↘︎ Auftaktveranstaltung der 35. Ausgabe der Toblacher Gespräche* 30.08., 17:30, Freie Universität Bozen, Raum F6 17:30 – 18:45 Uhr Vortrag: C’è ancora speranza?! Come affrontare alcune sfide globali. Virna Bussadori 18:45 – 19:00 Uhr Pause mit Erfrischung 19:00 – 20:00 Uhr Gespräch mit dem Publikum: Toblacher Gespräche, Vergangenheit und Zukunft (ohne Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr) Die …

Register until 3 July → By Design and by Disaster
10–14 July 2024, South Tyrol, Italy → Registration open until 3 July. Free for students and persons with low incomes. More on pricing ↓ and on ↓ accommodation Wednesday to Friday, 10–12 July, at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta, Schlanders–Silandro [1]Start: Wednesday, 10 July, 15:00, Check-in: 14:00The days at BASIS end with a party of Friday night; on …

AND not OR
For the first By Design or by Disaster [1] conference in 2013 we wrote “Sustainability is unavoidable. It will happen anyway by the interplay of disastrous ecological, social and economic trends and events. But we could take initiatives: we can design and develop this transition in a process of collective decisions and actions.” [2] In other …

By Design and by Disaster conference 2024: Call for workshops and talks
Following the call for papers and visual essays for By Design and by Disaster Conference 2024, we are excited to announce calls for hands-on workshops and 7 x 7 talks today. By Design and by Disaster has been bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as design, art, sciences, activism, rural and urban development, etc. since 2013. Taking place in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta …

Proceeding 2023 published: String Figures ∞ Transforming Together
In 2023 with the 10th anniversary of the conference series, we organized an academic track, based on a call for papers and visual essays, and a double-blind peer-review process. To our surprise, the academic track, which went in parallel to hands-on workshops, has been extremely well attended and included lively discussions. So, we plan to …

By Design and by Disaster Conference & Calls
We are glad to announce the upcoming By Design and by Disaster Conference, taking place in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta on 10 – 14 July 2024 (featuring an optional joint program with Klimacamp Alto Adige on 13 – 14th July in Vöran-Verano). Since 2013 we’ve been bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as …

STRING FIGURING by design AND by disaster
Many know string figures from their childhood. They exist in many cultures. One person stretches a looped cord between their fingers, the next person takes over and crosses the cord in such a way that a pattern is created, which in turn is taken over and changed by another person, and so on. In this …

The Brightmoore Maker Space, Detroit – Building a Creative Community
unibz, MA Eco-Social Design, Atelier F4.012 May 2023 at 17:30 to 19:00, CEST Nick Tobier, UTOPIA TOOLBOX USAStamps School of Art&Design, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Due to the collapsing car industry in the 80es, Detroit lost almost half of its population and became a failed city. The BRIGHTMOOR MAKER SPACE contributes to an impressing …

STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together ∞ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2023
29 March to 1 April 2023 ← ends 1 day earlier than announced ↓ see below whyBASIS Vinschgau-VenostaSouth Tyrol, Italy The preparations of the conference are in full swing. Here is an update on the program, starting with a sneak preview on the speakers: Maria Francesca De Tullio, Ex Asilo Filangieri (Napoli, Italy), Irene Delfanti …

EXTENDED call ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together
29 March to 2 April 2023 the By Design or by Disaster Conference will take place at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta in South Tyrol, Italy. Find out more about it in this first announcement. This time we intergrate an academic track and are looking forward to papers and visual essays inspired by the focus STRING FIGURES – …

Extended call: Hands-on Workshops ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23
extended call until February 7th 2023 »…Social-ecological transformation requires the interplay of many actors, building upon each other, interconnecting niches, imagining and experimenting care and commoning, criticising and supporting each other, passing on knowledge and narrations in collective actions..« 1.5 Hours x 15 Workshops We are searching for practitioners to lead hands on workshops promoting …

Proceedings of the Care Beyond Crisis conference
By Design or by Disaster is the title of a series of conferences co-developing with the Master in Eco-Social Design at the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy. It is an opportunity for a lively exchange on the creative practices contributing to social-ecological transformations. Both speakers and participants come from diverse fields of practice, ranging from …

Extended call: 7 people x 7 minutes ∞ STRING FIGURES ∞ DoD23
extended call until February 7th 2023 »…we require each other in unexpected collaborations and combinations, in hot compost piles.« Donna Haraway, 2016 We are searching for seven people to share their stories or practices around the topic of ∞ String Figures (read more about this focus in our call for papers and visual essays). We …

KAUZ & Eco-Social Design join forces for the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER Conference 2023
KAUZ, the lab for climate justice, work and future, will do its multiplier event within the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER conference, taking place at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta in South Tyrol, Italy, 29 March – 2 April 2023. Under the umbrella topic STRING FIGURES ∞ transforming together we offer a lively mix of talks, workshops, walks, …

Glocal Worm-ing Exhibition at the Naturmuseum Südtirol
Eco-Social Design graduate Merve Bektas is exhibiting her thesis project “Glocal Worm-ing” at the Naturmuseum Südtirol, in partnership with the Faculty of Design/Art, as part of Bolzano Art Weeks 2022 Exhibition 24.09-02.10.2022 at the Naturmuseum Südtirolh 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30)Free AdmissionVia dei Bottai 1, Bolzano-Bozen From the 24th of September to the 2nd of October …

10 June 💥 Workshop: The slightly different map: Collective mapping of structural exploitation and solidarity alternatives
with Lis Perks in the frame of the Sustainabilty Festival, based on KAUZ – laboratory for climate, work and future10 June 2022 at 17:00 to 19:00/20:00hFree University of Bolzano-Bozen, C3.06 We live in a world full of contradictions: exploitation and solidarity often exist next to each other. Our daily life takes place in a system …

18 May 💥 Workshop: At the expense of others?
by Júlia Farriol Duran, based on KAUZ – laboratory for climate, work and future.18 May 2022 at 14:00 to 18:00hFree University of Bolzano-Bozen, Room F4.06 In the workshop “At the expense of others?” we shed light on the modern, often invisible structures of exploitation that constitute an essential part of Middle European prosperity and well-being. …

Your monstera is turning yellow?? Who cares!?Designers are working on harmful things??? Who cares!!Your job is pushing you to burnout?? Who cares!? Oh, you care? Great—so do we! :) By Design or By Disaster is the annually held conference of the MA Eco-Social Design at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Join us April 7-8, 2022 …

7×7 7 People x 7 Minutes = 7 Short & Spicy StoriesWe are searching for seven people to share their practices, projects, stories, images and thoughts around Radical Care! Other than being limited to a length of seven minutes, we welcome any and all forms of delivery → talk, song, conversation, live-artistry, dance, slide-show, video, …

By Design or by Disaster Conference 2021: Workstorming → transformative work for livelihoods
By Design or by Disaster Conference on working on transformation and the transformation of work.New Date: 23–26 September 2021Bolzano–Bozen & Upper Vinschgau (South Tirol, Italy) Call for 7 x 7 short inputs related to transformative work for livelihoods. EXTENDED: 27 July 2021 A great social-ecological transformation towards sustainable, resilient, and solidary modes of living and …

Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein: Care and the City
Book Presentation, Lecture and Discussion: Tuesday, 23 March, 09:00 Zoom-link Care and the City, edited by Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein, Nir Cohen, Henrik Lebuhn, Kim Trogal, Tihomir Viderman and Tigran Haas (2021, forthcoming), Routledge: New York/London. The interdisciplinary book Care and the City offers an array of contributions that deal with different manifestations and understandings …