Being Moved: Fostering transcultural dialogue through nature-based interactions in South Tyrol

Being Moved: Fostering transcultural dialogue through nature-based interactions in South Tyrol

9th May 2024, 10.00 – 16.00: At the “Being Moved” event on Thursday on the Kornplatz (Piazza del Grano) in Bolzano, three just-graduated Eco-social Design students Anna Schuierer, Emma Fourie and Paulina Eberhardt will be presenting their Master’s thesis “Being Moved” as part of the Action Days for Political Education, organised by the Office for …

Research Assistant – Playground: Designing Visions of Play in a More-than-Human-World

Research Assistant – Playground: Designing Visions of Play in a More-than-Human-World

UNIBZ’s Faculty of Design and Art is seeking a Research Assistant with a track record in design research in the context of eco-social transformation. The research assistant will work within the framework of the project, “Playground: Designing Visions of Play in a More-than-Human World“, funded by UNIBZ’s internal start-up grant. From the outset, this project asks …

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck

This event focuses especially on the promotion of collaborations between universities and cities in the EU. For Bolzano we joined with the municipal council of Bolzano, Chiara Rabini, professor for eco-social design Kris Krois and Philipp Rier and Marielle Scharfenberg from A place to B(z).    group of people with backgrounds in both administration and project …

The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

Shifting anthropocentric Viewpoints through an Event Series Project by Svea Möbs and Erika Braccini The current climate situation can be understood as merely a symptom of anthropocentric nature relations marked by capitalist extraction, (neo-)colonisation and domination (Chakrabarty 2020). Jain (2020) diagnoses a polarisation of the political landscape with either denial of the climate crisis or …

What do Landscapes dream of?

What do Landscapes dream of?

The exhibition will be on display at the Tublà da Nives Cultural Centre in Selva from 15.05.2022 until 03.07.2022. Opening hours: Thursday and Friday 4pm-7pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-12pm / 5pm-8pm. Do landscapes dream? With this question, we* want to enter a sensual, living state of consciousness and close our eyes for a moment and …



2-5 April 2020 POSTPONED TO OCTOBERFree University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy This series of conferences is co-developing with the Master in Eco-Social Design. It is an opportunity for a lively exchange on the creative practices contributing to social-ecological transformations. Both speakers and participants come from diverse fields of practice, ranging from progressive local farmers to internationally acclaimed …

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

Sa 19.10.2019, h.10-17, Piazza Università / Universitätsplatz Auf der ganzen Welt wird die Lebensqualität am Bruttoinlandsprodukt gemessen, auch wenn dieser gängige Ansatz begrenzt, teilweise sogar kontraproduktiv ist. Dank eines kulturellen und persönlichen Wachstumsprozesses entwickelt jeder Mensch in der Regel seine eigene Vorstellung von langfristigem Zufriedenheits-Glück, diese wird aber selten von den öffentlichen Organen berücksichtigt.„Was macht …

»Infrastructures for Commoning« with Jennifer Schubert

»Infrastructures for Commoning« with Jennifer Schubert

The infrastructural approach helps to understand visible and invisible connections as they appear through digital communication, services or relationships between humans. Therefore the approach is suitable for identifying and strengthening common goods within all factors involved. But how to deal with socio-material infrastructures within design projects? How to build long term infrastructures in times of …

Joanna Boehnert, 5.12., 20:30, Unibz

Joanna Boehnert, 5.12., 20:30, Unibz

On Monday, 5.12., 20:30 in Unibz, F0.01 she talks about Design / Ecology / Politics: Towards the Ecocene Dr. Joanna Boehnert is a designer, researcher and activist with expertise on the visual communication of complex problems and the politics of ecological transitions. Her first book, titled Design/ Ecology/ Politics: Toward the Ecocene, will be published by Bloomsbury …

Call for Professorship in Design Research | Deadline: 16.11.

Call for Professorship in Design Research | Deadline: 16.11.

We are looking for a expert in Design Research, who wants to engage in transdisciplinary collaborations in the context of eco-social transformations. Teaching will happen in our project-oriented study programs, among others in the Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal Design). Requirements: professorship (or equivalent position) outside Italy. For more information please download the official call here …