South Tyrol’s first Climate Citizens’ Assembly concluded 

South Tyrol’s first Climate Citizens’ Assembly concluded 

The Climate Citizen Assembly (CCA) South Tyrol – the Klimabürgerrat / Consiglio dei cittadini per il Clima – held its last meeting on the weekend of 1-2 June 2024.    Citizens’ assemblies have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation. They are seen as an instrument of democratization …

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk

Let‘s connect the city! Join us in a Christmas-Walk from Bozen‘s Obstmarkt to the area behind the trainstation. There will be live music throughout the walk and a small concert with Glühwein at the area.
We start at on Saturday, 17.12, at 14:00h in Obstmarkt and walk together to the area opposite Via del Macello 19. Live musik by TurboTrööT!
For more information follow A place to B(z).

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck

This event focuses especially on the promotion of collaborations between universities and cities in the EU. For Bolzano we joined with the municipal council of Bolzano, Chiara Rabini, professor for eco-social design Kris Krois and Philipp Rier and Marielle Scharfenberg from A place to B(z).    group of people with backgrounds in both administration and project …

Semester Inaugural Talk

Semester Inaugural Talk

“Democracy beyond disciplines: Transdisciplinary means, strategies, and approaches for amplified democratic practices“ Join us on Sept 27th 2020 (5pm) Unibz Aula Magna or via MS Teams // ENG: With the term “democracy”, one might directly associate the representative democratic system with its periodic elections, campaigns, and televised debates. However, democracy can also represent a vast …

Transforming the City by Care

Transforming the City by Care

10 micro trasformazioni a Bolzano Don Bosco10 micro-interventions in Bolzano Don Bosco Presentazione di Transforming the City by Care (TCC), un progetto sviluppato all’interno del Master in Eco-Social Design e nato dagli intenti comuni e dalla collaborazione tra la Libera Università di Bolzano, la cooperativa sociale OfficineVispa e L’Ufficio Famiglia, Donna, Gioventù e Promozione sociale …

Supernova Exhibition & Festa!

Supernova Exhibition & Festa!

Exhibition / Esposizione / Ausstellung A Space, some People and lots of IdeasUn Luogo, delle Persone e molto IdeeEin Ort, einige Leute und viele Ideen Venerdì / Friday / Freitag, 17.1., 18:00 – 21:0021:00 SUPERNOVA FESTA!Sabato / Saturday / Samstag, 18.1., 11:00 – 19:00 Faculty for Design & Art, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, F4 (4th …



Exhibition / Esposizione / Ausstellung A Space, some People and lots of IdeasUn Luogo, delle Persone e molto IdeeEin Ort, einige Leute und viele Ideen Martedì / Tuesday / Dienstag, 3.12., 17:00 – 21:00Mercoledì / Wednesday / Mittwoch, 4.12., 15:00 – 21:00Bolzano Casanova, Piazza Anita Pichler Giovedì / Thursday / Donnerstag, 5.12., 17:00 – 20:30Sala …



2-5 April 2020 POSTPONED TO OCTOBERFree University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy This series of conferences is co-developing with the Master in Eco-Social Design. It is an opportunity for a lively exchange on the creative practices contributing to social-ecological transformations. Both speakers and participants come from diverse fields of practice, ranging from progressive local farmers to internationally acclaimed …

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

Sa 19.10.2019, h.10-17, Piazza Università / Universitätsplatz Auf der ganzen Welt wird die Lebensqualität am Bruttoinlandsprodukt gemessen, auch wenn dieser gängige Ansatz begrenzt, teilweise sogar kontraproduktiv ist. Dank eines kulturellen und persönlichen Wachstumsprozesses entwickelt jeder Mensch in der Regel seine eigene Vorstellung von langfristigem Zufriedenheits-Glück, diese wird aber selten von den öffentlichen Organen berücksichtigt.„Was macht …

»Infrastructures for Commoning« with Jennifer Schubert

»Infrastructures for Commoning« with Jennifer Schubert

The infrastructural approach helps to understand visible and invisible connections as they appear through digital communication, services or relationships between humans. Therefore the approach is suitable for identifying and strengthening common goods within all factors involved. But how to deal with socio-material infrastructures within design projects? How to build long term infrastructures in times of …

To Salone or not to…

To Salone or not to…

… that is the question we would like to discuss with you on Monday, 3 June 2019, 17:30, unibz, Faculty for Design & Art, F0.01 For years the Milano Design Week has been a driver of mindsets, lifestyles and economies which consistently contributed to the acceleration of the eco-social catastrophes we now face and finally …

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz

Please visit the conference site for more up-to-date information: I am happy to announce another issue of our conference series tackling Eco-Social Design. The focus of this years conference is ESSEN / ALIMENTARE / FOOD = also the annual topic of the Master in Eco-Social Design. We will have talks and workshops with Ezio …

3 Bücher zu Eco-Social Design

3 Bücher zu Eco-Social Design

Bücher zum Thema gibt es viele, doch müsste ich mich heute auf 3 beschränken, würde ich folgende wählen – auch weil sie sich wunderbar ergänzen: “Transformationsdesign. Wege in eine zukunftsfähige Moderne” von Harald Welzer und Bernd Sommer ist dabei, weil die Authoren präzise und eloquent Leitlinien für zukunftsfähige Gestaltung skizzieren. Dabei stellen sie zunächst die …

TODAY, 19:00: Snark – space making

TODAY, 19:00: Snark – space making

“snark – space making si occupa di design relazionale, di processi decisionali e di co- progettazione, percorsi partecipati e di comprensione di fenomeni complessi.” What the hell does this mean? Come and find out: By Design or by Disaster TALK: 26.5.2015 19:00 | unibz | F0.03  

To Do: Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt

To Do: Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt

LEZIONE APERTA 18.05. 19:00 unibz F0.03   Der Designer Florian Pfeffer hat ein wildes Potpourri aus inspirierenden Projekten, Methoden und Ideen zusammengestellt. Der Hermann Schmid Verlag hat es veröffentlicht. Die Verlegerin Karin Schmidt-Fridrichs sprechen gemeinsam über “Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt”. Das Buch kann ich jedem Gestalter ans Herz legen, am …

Glocal Design Spring 2015

Glocal Design Spring 2015

March 27–28, Bolzano, Italy / transdisciplinary convention on / transformative actions, design & research \ local developments & global contexts / design as a catalyst of change in preparation of the Master in Glocal Design. with \ Christa Müller / Aral Balkan \ Lucas Evers / Doina Petrescu \ Brave New Alps / Armin Bernhard \ Günter …



TODAY, 02.12.2014 19:00 | unibz F0.03 | BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER TALK #10 La talk esaminera’ come l’ecosistema dei maker stia diventando uno spazio per riflettere sul concetto di lavoro e formazione attraverso l’esperienza sviluppata a partire dalle sperimentazioni avvenute da Serpica Naro nel 2005, passando per il progetto europeo Openwear sino ad arrivare …

11.11. | 19:00 Richtungscheck mit Andreas Pichler

11.11. | 19:00 Richtungscheck mit Andreas Pichler

11.11. | 19:00 | unibz F 0.03 | Andreas Pichler Richtungscheck! Die Optimierung der falschen Wege Wir sind inzwischen so sehr gewohnt, dass es von allen Produkten und Dienstleistungen die Variante „grün“, „öko“, „fair“, „klimaneutral“ usw. gibt, dass wir oft vergessen uns zu fragen – Wozu? Wieviel? Was brauche ich wirklich? Und macht es mich …

2 Filme zu bewegenden Theme in Brixen

2 Filme zu bewegenden Theme in Brixen

13.11. | 16.00 – 18.00 | unibz Campus Brixen | Raum 2.24 Vortrag, Film und Diskussion mit Prof. Dr. Gilles Reckinger und Dr. Diana Reiners: Die Menschen von Lampedusa und die Bootsflüchtlinge: Begegnungen am Rande Europas Lampedusa, eine kleine italienische Insel im Mittelmeer. Klein genug, dass man sie getrost immer wieder vergessen konnte in Rom …

Wir brauchen etwas Neues!

Wir brauchen etwas Neues!

21.10. | 19:00 | unibz F0.03 | BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER TALK #7 Andreas Riedl: DAFÜR – UND NICHT DAGEGEN! Wir sind für eine Welt, in der nicht der schnelle Profit, sondern das Leben zählt. Wir wollen nicht mehr von den Dingen, die Ursachen der aktuellen Krisen sind. Wir brauchen etwas Neues! Wie so …