As you probably know, By Design or By Disaster will take place in the framework of the
provides and creates tools for a consciuos designing of our future which will be particularly challenging, and demanding creative processes beyond familiar dimensions. It is about desiging the space between people: the political, social, artistic, scientific, economic, philosophical, spiritual, practical space. It is an artproject by people of various professional fields who like to work …
In Köln ist auch was los (ausser Karneval)
Vom 28. September bis 6. Oktober läuft in Köln das Ökorausch-Festival, das ebenfalls Design und Nachhaltigkeit verbindet. Ökorausch klingt in meinen Ohren nicht eben berauschend, aber in der Ausstellung sind interessante Projekte zu entdecken, z.b. das fairphone. Auf dem Symposium spricht u.a. Christa Liedtke vom Wuppertal Institut, aber keine Designer … … dafür gibt es …
Threading communities together – The used cloths and clothing collection has started
For the workshop with Cecilia Palmer and Orti Semirurali Garten we need used cloths and clothing. They will be used as main material of the shelter for the Orti Semirurali Garten community (see here). Please bring your clean used cloth and clothing to: Associazione Donne Nissa Via Cagliari Strasse 22a Mon.- Fri. 9:30-12:30 Free University …
Harvest Festival at the Orti Semirurali Garten
Next Saturday, the 21st of September, at the Orti Semirurali Garten there will be the Festa del Raccolto/Erntefest from 2 pm to 10 pm with music, food, and movie projections (see flyer below) It is a good occasion to get to know one of our workshop partners. Indeed our workshop lead by Cecilia Palmer will …
STSItalia offers two scholarship to take part to the DoD Hands-On Conference
STSItalia (, the scientific society promoting the Social Study of Science and Technology (STS) in Italy, has been a partner of By Design or By Disaster since the beginning. The role and use of artefacts in order to promote and implement different social relations that comprise not just humans but also what we consider “natural” …
Cecilia Palmer and Orto Semi-rurali’s workshop’s details
Nature does not know the concept of waste; the only species capable of making something no one desires is the human species. Gunter Pauli, Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives. Cecilia Palmer, together with Orto Semirurali Garten – a Bozener intercultural community garden -, will run a two-day workshop open to 16 participants in order to …
Registration Open
Register until 8th of September for the conference to benefit from free food, drinks and WLAN (you can also buy tickets later, but you won’t get the free extras then). Each workshop accepts a maximum of 16 participant. Please apply until 8 of September. Participants from Bolzano hosting guests from elsewhere, can register for free – please …
Postwachstumsökonomie im Schnelldurchlauf
Niemand fasst die Grundzuge einer nachhaltigen Form des Lebens und des Wirtschaftens knackiger und kompetenter zusammen als Prof. Niko Paech, ein Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und damit wie er sagt “ein Mann für’s Grobe”. Mehr dazu in einem Artikel auf, im lesenswerten Lesetipp im und in einer kurzen Zusammenfassung zum Thema auf, wo ich auch das Diagramm von Frederich Vester wieder gefunden habe, das …
Transformative Design / Design Transformations
Design has an impact on the way we consume and produce, we work and live, how we collaborate and how we make decisions, … we want to use design for transformations towards sustainability. This involves ecological, social and economic aspects. Designers have to consider all those dimensions and collaborate with experts of different backgrounds. While non-designers should know about the …