Nicolas Nova “Ethnography, Design, Design Ethnography”.

Nicolas Nova “Ethnography, Design, Design Ethnography”.

By Design or by Disaster TalkThursday, 16 May 2019, 18:00unibz, room F 4.06 SpeakerNicolas NovaAssociate Professor at the Geneva School of Arts and Design (HEAD), co-founder of the Near Future Laboratory, author of Beyond Design Ethnography. How designers practice ethnographic research (Idea Books, 2014). Discussant Elisabeth TauberSenior Researcher in Anthropology, Faculty of Education, Free University …

Can we design a good life? Even in the countryside?

Can we design a good life? Even in the countryside?

In the beginning of November a delegation of the MA Eco-Social Design travelled to South-Germany to be part of the small but charming symposium ‘Stadt.Land.Schluss.’ in Marktoberdorf (Allgäu). Together with around hundred other people of all creative and traditionally not-so-creative fields we listened, discussed, danced, created, ate, exchanged,… – to gain an understanding of if …

Sociology for Eco-Social Design & more

Sociology for Eco-Social Design & more

The Faculty for Design and Art of unibz invited 6 candidates for the Professorship in Sociology of culture and communication with a focus on design and communication for eco-social transformation 5 of them are doing public lectures within the next two weeks (as part of the hearings). You are welcome to come, listen and see: …

Interview zum Master in Eco-Social Design

Interview zum Master in Eco-Social Design

Nina Kirst: Warum ist so ein Studiengang notwendig? Kris Krois: Die Konsumorientierung bringt unsere Gesellschaft an ihre ökologischen und sozialen Grenzen. Es braucht neue Muster des Wirtschaftens und Lebens – und wir glauben, dass Designer hier eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dabei geht es nicht in erster Linie um ökoeffizientere Produkte, sondern um Lebensstile, Werte und …

scheiss di ned oa

scheiss di ned oa

den 3 Grundsätzen vom Unternehmer Heini Staudinger (GEA) ist nichts hinzuzufügen, außer vielleicht eine Übersetzung für unsere norddeutschen Freunde ;) 1. Scheiss di ned oa (“Fürchte Dich nicht” würde Jesus sagen ;) 2. Bitte sei ned so deppert (“Sei nicht Naiv, sondern probiere alles gut abzuwägen”) 3. Lass di leitn von da Liebe (“Let Love …