Based on the action outputs of 21 workshops held in the participatory online conference Beyond Crisis, Alastair Fuad-Luke and Secil Ugur Yavuz developed an opensource toolkit for Designing Actions in Times of Multiple Crises that can be used to develop an action plan by a group of actors for a particular Issue/Topic/Theme and/or Concept. Whether it is …
Don Bosco Festival
A project coming to life, by Rendy Anoh and Shiri Mahler Back at the age of before Covid-19, when the summer semester had only begun, we met Botteghe di Cultura in the Partner Forum for project-2, which was held in the university. Botteghe di Cultura is a joined social association, made of four initiatives, in the heart of …
Kick-off: Alumni-Network for Transformers
Text by Ole Gärtner Several degree programs deal with social transformation and the (im)possibility of their design. Especially social-ecological transformation and its democratic design are important to many graduates. This often means that the prospect of seeking employment in existing and established businesses and structures designed to compete, grow, and maximize profits seems not so …
Striking for our climate: let’s get ready!
Come get ready for the upcoming climate strikes in Bozen! Designers for Future are joining the battle, partnering with Adults for Future, Fridays for Future South Tyrol and Scientists for Future and inviting you to a creative banner and props making session on 19 May at 18:00 at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of …
Mikkel Christopher// Space 10 »The world and work of Space 10«
By Design or by Disaster Talk Tuesday, 14 May 2019, 18:30 unibz, room F 0.03 »On a mission to create better and more sustainable ways of living.« Mikkel Christopher is the Lead Creative Producer at SPACE10, a research and design lab based in Copenhagen, and is working on bringing ideas and concepts into reality. Mikkel has …
Nicolas Nova “Ethnography, Design, Design Ethnography”.
By Design or by Disaster TalkThursday, 16 May 2019, 18:00unibz, room F 4.06 SpeakerNicolas NovaAssociate Professor at the Geneva School of Arts and Design (HEAD), co-founder of the Near Future Laboratory, author of Beyond Design Ethnography. How designers practice ethnographic research (Idea Books, 2014). Discussant Elisabeth TauberSenior Researcher in Anthropology, Faculty of Education, Free University …
In between you, me and everything we do. What can design do for commons?
In the 2018 edition of the annual conference of the MA Eco-Social Design, we tackled and discussed issues related to the question »What can design do for commons?« – together with international experts and local heroes from diverse backgrounds. The conference was started with the MA Eco-social Design project exhibition opening, in which over …
Can we design a good life? Even in the countryside?
In the beginning of November a delegation of the MA Eco-Social Design travelled to South-Germany to be part of the small but charming symposium ‘Stadt.Land.Schluss.’ in Marktoberdorf (Allgäu). Together with around hundred other people of all creative and traditionally not-so-creative fields we listened, discussed, danced, created, ate, exchanged,… – to gain an understanding of if …
Sociology for Eco-Social Design & more
The Faculty for Design and Art of unibz invited 6 candidates for the Professorship in Sociology of culture and communication with a focus on design and communication for eco-social transformation 5 of them are doing public lectures within the next two weeks (as part of the hearings). You are welcome to come, listen and see: …
Interview zum Master in Eco-Social Design
Nina Kirst: Warum ist so ein Studiengang notwendig? Kris Krois: Die Konsumorientierung bringt unsere Gesellschaft an ihre ökologischen und sozialen Grenzen. Es braucht neue Muster des Wirtschaftens und Lebens – und wir glauben, dass Designer hier eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dabei geht es nicht in erster Linie um ökoeffizientere Produkte, sondern um Lebensstile, Werte und …
scheiss di ned oa
den 3 Grundsätzen vom Unternehmer Heini Staudinger (GEA) ist nichts hinzuzufügen, außer vielleicht eine Übersetzung für unsere norddeutschen Freunde ;) 1. Scheiss di ned oa (“Fürchte Dich nicht” würde Jesus sagen ;) 2. Bitte sei ned so deppert (“Sei nicht Naiv, sondern probiere alles gut abzuwägen”) 3. Lass di leitn von da Liebe (“Let Love …