In the third semester, students of the Master’s programme in Eco-Social Design develop the conceptual, theoretical and practical foundations for their final theses. You are warmly invited to engage with them in the final semester exhibition of the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Get insights into research and experiments. …

It’s the economy / culture / power relations, stupid! And commons are the answer.
Open Talk by Friederike HabermannMonday, 18.11., 17:30–19:00 → SlidesMaster in Eco-Social Design, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, room F6 Apocalypse has been imagined many times in history, but for the first time it can be scientifically substantiated – and the world is doing business as usual. What are the reasons? It’s the economy, stupid: Growth compulsion. …

Creative Composting – The role of soil in engaging communities, creating daily circularity and activating microorganisms
Lecture: 11-12hDate: 6.12.2023Location: BITZ fablab Photo: DIY instructions for Terra Preta In this seminar, Ayumi Matsuzaka will share several community examples of creating Terra Preta Soil substrate in various neighbourhoods of Berlin. Since 2015, the neighbourhood of Eden garden (Berlin-Pankow) has collected kitchen waste and have created a Terra Preta substrate together. The members order …

Zum Paradies
Jede*r hat irgendeine Vorstellung vom Paradies, was das Paradies sein könnte. Aber wir müssen das nicht ganz genau festnageln mit etwas. Und so haben wir uns auf den Weg gemacht, und probieren etwas aus. [Dabei kommt vor], dass wir uns verlaufen, dass wir Umwege gehen, usw. Aber wir müssen versuchen Zukünfte auszuprobieren, um zu sehen, …

A place to B(z) – Christmas Walk
Let‘s connect the city! Join us in a Christmas-Walk from Bozen‘s Obstmarkt to the area behind the trainstation. There will be live music throughout the walk and a small concert with Glühwein at the area.
We start at on Saturday, 17.12, at 14:00h in Obstmarkt and walk together to the area opposite Via del Macello 19. Live musik by TurboTrööT!
For more information follow A place to B(z).

Activating Underused Spaces – A place to B(z) at EUniverCities in Innsbruck
This event focuses especially on the promotion of collaborations between universities and cities in the EU. For Bolzano we joined with the municipal council of Bolzano, Chiara Rabini, professor for eco-social design Kris Krois and Philipp Rier and Marielle Scharfenberg from A place to B(z). group of people with backgrounds in both administration and project …

Transforming the City by Care 2
In the project Transforming the City by Care, 9 teams of students of the Master in Eco-Social Design are working together with the social cooperative OfficineVispa in Bolzano Don Bosco for a neighbourhood development towards a more solidary and sustainable future. Particular attention is given to the diverse social practices of care, and to social …

Transforming the City by Care 2021→22
↓ tavoli tematici ↓ sintesi progetti All’interno del progetto Transforming the City by Care 10 team di student* del Master in Eco-Social Design stanno lavorando insieme alla cooperativa sociale OfficineVispa di Don Bosco, Bolzano, per un sviluppo del quartiere e della comunità nel senso di una trasformazione socio-ecologica verso un futuro più solidale e sostenibile. …

Silke Helfrich 13.7.1967–10.11.2021
Liebe Silke, vor kurzem hat mich die traurige Nachricht Deines Todes erreicht. Durch Dich habe ich angefangen Commons und Comming zu verstehen. Du hast meinen Blick auf die Welt verändert. Den kritischen Blick auf Geschichte und Gegenwart, und das kreative Erblicken von Möglichkeiten. Der Möglichkeit einer besseren Gesellschaft, und deren Gegenwart im Bestehenden. Über dieses …

Salotto Don Bosco – Qui, i discorsi si accendono
29/10/2021, 17:00 – 20:00 Community Hub La RotondaVia Alessandria 47/B google map A cura di OfficineVispa e del Master in Eco-Social Design della Libera Università di Bolzano in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Famiglia, Donna, Gioventù e Promozione sociale del Comune di Bolzano. Gli studenti del corso in Eco-Social Design vi invitano a dire la vostra sul futuro di don Bosco. A scaldare la discussione …

FUTUREING US: A blog directed by ZeBa (Lisa Zellner and Theresa Bader)
Futureing us is a blog directed by ZeBa (Lisa Zellner and Theresa Bader) two Eco–social Designers living and working in South Tyrol | Italy, – around the question: Can the current critical situation about Covid–19 be a decisive threshold for a more sustainable future? HERE IS THE LINK TO YOUR BLOG: Also follow us …

Johannes Euler: Commons-based social-ecological transformation
Tuesday, 25 Feb 2020, 18:30, unibz, room F0.01 Johannes Euler, Commons Institute The living world is in trouble: Peak everything, climate change, social polarization. The root cause is that we are disconnected with, or even worse: in opposition to, nature, other people and ourselves. What to do about it? A far-reaching transformation of the very …

Supernova Exhibition & Festa!
Exhibition / Esposizione / Ausstellung A Space, some People and lots of IdeasUn Luogo, delle Persone e molto IdeeEin Ort, einige Leute und viele Ideen Venerdì / Friday / Freitag, 17.1., 18:00 – 21:0021:00 SUPERNOVA FESTA!Sabato / Saturday / Samstag, 18.1., 11:00 – 19:00 Faculty for Design & Art, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, F4 (4th …

Exhibition / Esposizione / Ausstellung A Space, some People and lots of IdeasUn Luogo, delle Persone e molto IdeeEin Ort, einige Leute und viele Ideen Martedì / Tuesday / Dienstag, 3.12., 17:00 – 21:00Mercoledì / Wednesday / Mittwoch, 4.12., 15:00 – 21:00Bolzano Casanova, Piazza Anita Pichler Giovedì / Thursday / Donnerstag, 5.12., 17:00 – 20:30Sala …

The Pursuit of Happiness
Sa 19.10.2019, h.10-17, Piazza Università / Universitätsplatz Auf der ganzen Welt wird die Lebensqualität am Bruttoinlandsprodukt gemessen, auch wenn dieser gängige Ansatz begrenzt, teilweise sogar kontraproduktiv ist. Dank eines kulturellen und persönlichen Wachstumsprozesses entwickelt jeder Mensch in der Regel seine eigene Vorstellung von langfristigem Zufriedenheits-Glück, diese wird aber selten von den öffentlichen Organen berücksichtigt.„Was macht …

»Infrastructures for Commoning« with Jennifer Schubert
The infrastructural approach helps to understand visible and invisible connections as they appear through digital communication, services or relationships between humans. Therefore the approach is suitable for identifying and strengthening common goods within all factors involved. But how to deal with socio-material infrastructures within design projects? How to build long term infrastructures in times of …

conference BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER spring 2018
In spring 2018 the annual conference of the MA Eco-Social Design will take place at the Free University of Bozen–Bolzano. The focus will be: In between me, you and everything we do. What can design do for commons? 23–25 March 2018 What are Commons? They are resources/projects/creations that are managed by groups of people, who are …

Cultivating Commons by Design
The new annual theme of the MA Eco-Social Design is Commoning?! All students and teachers of the 1st year draw inspiration from the ideas and practices of cultivating Commons – in manifold ways. What are Commons? They are things/resources/projects that are managed by groups of people, who are not owners, but rather co-responsible and more …