calls ~ By Design and by Disaster 2025 on hope

calls ~ By Design and by Disaster 2025 on hope

Following the call for papers and visual essays for the By Design and by Disaster Conference 2025, we are excited to publish fresh calls for hands-on workshops and short talks. For workshoppers and short talkers we cover travel expenses, offer simple overnight stay, free entry and food, and in case we gather sufficient sponsoring money, we also might be able to pay …

hope ~ reclaiming the future

hope ~ reclaiming the future

»Start this book, or start your thesis, your essay, your talk, your thinking, your design, your gardening, your building, your song, your dance not from fear and enclosure but from richness: now is the time for our hearts to dance. Now is the time to write the poetry of overflowing.« These lines from the introduction …

10, 13, 17 Feb. Workshop: Patti chiari, amicizia lunga – Collaborative living in Bolzano

10, 13, 17 Feb. Workshop: Patti chiari, amicizia lunga – Collaborative living in Bolzano

During the month of February, the Patti Chiari, Amicizia Lunga workshop series will bring students, property owners, and citizens together to explore home-sharing as a collaborative housing solution. Within the framework of the Eco-Social Design master thesis of Gaia D’Inzeo, and the collaboration with the student association MUA, the Patti Chiari, Amicizia Lunga workshop series explores the concept of Home-sharing with …

Exhibition: HOPE – 24 thesis projects in progress 

Exhibition: HOPE – 24 thesis projects in progress 

In the third semester, students of the Master’s programme in Eco-Social Design develop the conceptual, theoretical and practical foundations for their final theses. You are warmly invited to engage with them in the final semester exhibition of the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Get insights into research and experiments. …

Inhabiting Borders

Inhabiting Borders

Exhibition of Project 1 – Master of Eco-Social Design during the GOG – Gäste Ospiti Guests Where: Faculty of Design and Art, 4th floor, F BuildingWhen: Friday, 26.01 (from18) opening / Saturday, 27.01 (11–17)  The Faculty of Design and Art opens its doors by presenting the semester projects of its courses. Winter Semester 24/25 – …

Oben bleiben: Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft –      Stare a galla: Agricoltura e società

Oben bleiben: Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft – Stare a galla: Agricoltura e società

DEDie Vortragsreihe „Oben bleiben. Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ spannt den Bogen vom Gedenkjahr 1525 an den Bauernkrieg in Tirol bis zur aktuellen Situation der Landwirtschaft in Südtirol und Europa, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Marktorientierung, Klimawandel und Umweltschutz bewegt. Damals wie heute befindet sich die Landwirtschaft in einer prekären Situation, die bäuerliches Durchhaltevermögen und Widerstand gleichermaßen …

Exhibition & Talks: Visualizing Klimawandel

Exhibition & Talks: Visualizing Klimawandel

EN DE ︎IT Exhibition 18.12.2024 – 29.1.2025 Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, Library, 1st Floor Climate Communication Talks 28.1.2025, 17:30 – 18:30 Climate Activism and Neuroscience with David Hofmann (Climate Action South Tyrol, Neuroscientist), Moderation: Kris >< Krois, room D103 (in English) 9.1.2025, 17:30 – 18:30 The Role of Information Design in Climate Citizen Assemblies with Marc …

Emotions Compost – Open Talk by Valentina Karga

Emotions Compost – Open Talk by Valentina Karga

Monday 16.12 – 16:30-18:00  Master in Eco-Social Design, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, C. 4.06 / Drawing Room   Valentina Karga’s work operates between art, design, architecture and research. It draws together elements of socially engaged practices and speculative experiments that question existing social and physical infrastructures within the realms of energy, economy, and sustainability. In her …

Blueprints for inter-institutional collaboration in Social Design: Building bridges between academia and civil society

Blueprints for inter-institutional collaboration in Social Design: Building bridges between academia and civil society

 “Nothing is permanent, except change.” In the fast-changing landscape of 21st-century societal, political, and urban transformations, individuals and communities must continuously adapt to evolving challenges. But how can we steer these shifts towards positive outcomes? What conditions can foster constructive change, and how can design thinking, alongside cross-sector collaboration, drive meaningful progress? These are the …

It’s the economy / culture / power relations, stupid! And commons are the answer. 

It’s the economy / culture / power relations, stupid! And commons are the answer. 

Open Talk by Friederike HabermannMonday, 18.11., 17:30–19:00 → SlidesMaster in Eco-Social Design, Free University of Bozen–Bolzano, room F6 Apocalypse has been imagined many times in history, but for the first time it can be scientifically substantiated – and the world is doing business as usual. What are the reasons? It’s the economy, stupid: Growth compulsion. …

Open Round Table 🐑 imagine the wool futures and ecologies

Open Round Table 🐑 imagine the wool futures and ecologies

Open Round Table 🐑 A Look to 2035. A workshop to imagine together the wool futures and ecologies in South Tyrol and beyond.Date: 25.10.2024, Friday 10:00-12:00 As part of the LIFEStockProtect Conference 2024, the research project Feral Wool, within the PNRR-iNEST organizes an open round table “A Look to 2035” which invites a diverse group of stakeholders—politicians, …

Don Bosco Collection

Don Bosco Collection

Out of the Ruins. Practices of co-imagination in precarious contextsan open lecture by the Post Disaster Collective. 22.10.2024 17:00-19.00 La Rotonda The “Don Bosco Collection” is the outcome of the first phase of Project (MA Eco-Social Design) 2024-2025. The topic of the course is Inhabiting Borders, and the focus of the first phase was the …

Open Lecture: Federation of Recuperatheques (23.10)

Open Lecture: Federation of Recuperatheques (23.10)

Presentation on the functioning of Reused Material Banks, the role of the Federation of Recuperatheques, the Lansink scale (3R), the life cycle of materials, the shortages of resources, and eco-design. The open lecture is followed by a discussion and Q&A on the Récupérathèques network. Date/Time:Wednesday 23.10. from 4–6 pm Location:Room C4.03unibz – Faculty of Design …

Trafo >< Lecture 1 ⥁ UTOPIAING

Trafo >< Lecture 1 ⥁ UTOPIAING

The series of Trafo >< Lectures tackles diverse theoretical and practical aspects of emancipatory social-ecological transformation, and what design can contribute to it. In case you have no idea what these strange terms really mean, the lecture serious is for you, because this is exactly what it is trying to answer. Trafo >< Lecture 1:  …

Post Disaster Collective open lecture

Post Disaster Collective open lecture

Project 1 in Eco-Social Design is glad to present Out of the Ruins. Practices of co-imagination in precarious contextsan open lecture by the Post Disaster Collective. 10.10.2024 18:00 F0.03 – POST DISASTER (Gabriele Leo, Gabriella Mastrangelo, Grazia Mappa, Peppe Frisino) is an interdisciplinary collective whose practice intersects spatial, performative and curatorial actions. Their research uses the …

30.08., 17:30: Hope – Objection to the lack of alternatives

30.08., 17:30: Hope – Objection to the lack of alternatives

italiano ↘︎ Auftaktveranstaltung der 35. Ausgabe der Toblacher Gespräche* 30.08., 17:30, Freie Universität Bozen, Raum F6 17:30 – 18:45 Uhr Vortrag: C’è ancora speranza?! Come affrontare alcune sfide globali. Virna Bussadori 18:45 – 19:00 Uhr Pause mit Erfrischung 19:00 – 20:00 Uhr Gespräch mit dem Publikum: Toblacher Gespräche, Vergangenheit und Zukunft (ohne Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr) Die …

Register until 3 July → By Design and by Disaster

Register until 3 July → By Design and by Disaster

10–14 July 2024, South Tyrol, Italy  → Registration open until 3 July. Free for students and persons with low incomes. More on pricing ↓ and on ↓ accommodation Wednesday to Friday, 10–12 July, at BASIS Vinschgau-Venosta, Schlanders–Silandro [1]Start: Wednesday, 10 July, 15:00, Check-in: 14:00The days at BASIS end with a party of Friday night; on …

South Tyrol’s first Climate Citizens’ Assembly concluded 

South Tyrol’s first Climate Citizens’ Assembly concluded 

The Climate Citizen Assembly (CCA) South Tyrol – the Klimabürgerrat / Consiglio dei cittadini per il Clima – held its last meeting on the weekend of 1-2 June 2024.    Citizens’ assemblies have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation. They are seen as an instrument of democratization …

AND not OR

AND not OR

For the first By Design or by Disaster [1] conference in 2013 we wrote “Sustainability is unavoidable. It will happen anyway by the interplay of disastrous ecological, social and economic trends and events. But we could take initiatives: we can design and develop this transition in a process of collective decisions and actions.” [2] In other …