Material Talks is a series of lectures focusing on matter. This special edition brings together three speakers for different perspectives on the future of fibers. Date and Time: May 14, 11:00 – 12:30 (CET)Join us: Online / TEAMS Link The textile industry is one the most polluting realities on our planet with fast fashion pushing …

Semester Inaugural Talk & Workshop about Digital Commons
Talk, Sept 28th, 4.30pm (Zoom)Workshop, Sept 29th, 9am-5pm (in presence, pre-registration required) Digital Commons – Alternative approach or naive dreaming in times of platform capitalism? The Semester Inaugural Talk and Workshop of the Winter Semester 2020/21 aims at exploring the topic of “Digital Commons”. Commons describe both shared material and immaterial resources amongst the involved …

»Infrastructures for Commoning« with Jennifer Schubert
The infrastructural approach helps to understand visible and invisible connections as they appear through digital communication, services or relationships between humans. Therefore the approach is suitable for identifying and strengthening common goods within all factors involved. But how to deal with socio-material infrastructures within design projects? How to build long term infrastructures in times of …

Invitation to Guided Tour »Bolzano as Interface«
The »Interface Design« class of the MA Eco-Social Design warmly invites you to take part in a guided tour through the city center of Bolzano. During the tour, you can explore and test the wide range of interactive projects the Master students realized during the course. At the end of the tour, there will be …

Watch & read Eco-Social Design according to Ezio Manzini
The talk of Ezio Manzini on Design for Social Innovation organized by the MICA’s Center for Social Design impressed me. Manzini is making an effort in connecting the dots. For me he succeeded in narrating a complex field in an concise and compact way, without oversimplification. Now i am reading his book Design, When Everybody …

MA Eco-Social Design starts on October. Apply until 8 July
apply now or never — at least not this year. And help to spread the message to interested people and parties. Read more about the Master in Eco-Social Design on its web page, the latest newsletter, get updates and spread via FB + twitter. Sustainable Greetings Kris >< Krois

3 Bücher zu Eco-Social Design
Bücher zum Thema gibt es viele, doch müsste ich mich heute auf 3 beschränken, würde ich folgende wählen – auch weil sie sich wunderbar ergänzen: “Transformationsdesign. Wege in eine zukunftsfähige Moderne” von Harald Welzer und Bernd Sommer ist dabei, weil die Authoren präzise und eloquent Leitlinien für zukunftsfähige Gestaltung skizzieren. Dabei stellen sie zunächst die …

intense & inspiring GLOCAL DESIGN SPRING 2015
Here are some impression from the Glocal Design Spring 2015 the charming video&interview team edited. More structured videos will follow. . GDS15 was intense, inspiring and a confirmation that with our upcoming Master in Eco-Social Design we are heading in the right direction.

Glocal Design Spring 2015
March 27–28, Bolzano, Italy / transdisciplinary convention on / transformative actions, design & research \ local developments & global contexts / design as a catalyst of change in preparation of the Master in Glocal Design. with \ Christa Müller / Aral Balkan \ Lucas Evers / Doina Petrescu \ Brave New Alps / Armin Bernhard \ Günter …

TODAY, 02.12.2014 19:00 | unibz F0.03 | BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER TALK #10 La talk esaminera’ come l’ecosistema dei maker stia diventando uno spazio per riflettere sul concetto di lavoro e formazione attraverso l’esperienza sviluppata a partire dalle sperimentazioni avvenute da Serpica Naro nel 2005, passando per il progetto europeo Openwear sino ad arrivare …

14.10.2014 19:00 | unibz F0.03 | BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER TALK #6 Lorenzo Imbesi: DESIGNING FOR A POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY Collective Intelligence, Social Innovation and New Technologies The new generations of designers have come to terms with deindustrialization, while experiencing a special space for self-organization and then revealing new open and collaborative forms of production. …

Hörner/Antlfinger: Discrete Farms | 18.3. 19:00
18.3.2014 19:00 | unibz Ser F0.03 | BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER TALKS As part of the dialogue between human and non-human existences in the “art system” and the “everything-else system,” since the 1990s Hörner/Antlfinger offer critical perspectives on the technologization of our world. More about Hörner/Antlfinger and their guest lecture.

Few tips for the innovation festival
As you probably know, By Design or By Disaster will take place in the framework of the

provides and creates tools for a consciuos designing of our future which will be particularly challenging, and demanding creative processes beyond familiar dimensions. It is about desiging the space between people: the political, social, artistic, scientific, economic, philosophical, spiritual, practical space. It is an artproject by people of various professional fields who like to work …