The Climate Citizen Assembly (CCA) South Tyrol – the Klimabürgerrat / Consiglio dei cittadini per il Clima – held its last meeting on the weekend of 1-2 June 2024. Citizens’ assemblies have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation. They are seen as an instrument of democratization …

2-5 April 2020 POSTPONED TO OCTOBERFree University of Bozen–Bolzano, Italy This series of conferences is co-developing with the Master in Eco-Social Design. It is an opportunity for a lively exchange on the creative practices contributing to social-ecological transformations. Both speakers and participants come from diverse fields of practice, ranging from progressive local farmers to internationally acclaimed …

By Design or by Disaster 2016, 2-7 May @ unibz
Please visit the conference site for more up-to-date information: I am happy to announce another issue of our conference series tackling Eco-Social Design. The focus of this years conference is ESSEN / ALIMENTARE / FOOD = also the annual topic of the Master in Eco-Social Design. We will have talks and workshops with Ezio …

Presentation of MA Eco-Social Design & more
Wednesday, 14.10.2015 | unibz 4th floor in building F 14:00-17:00 Introduction to the Master in Eco-Social Design & presentations by all teachers of the winter semester 2015, and their relation to the annual topic /ESSEN/ALIMENTARE/FOOD/ with Prof. em. Adelheid Biesecker, Eco-Social Economics | Lisa Borgenheimer, Information Desig | Kris Krois, Visual Communication | Giorgio Laboratore, …

Sociology for Eco-Social Design & more
The Faculty for Design and Art of unibz invited 6 candidates for the Professorship in Sociology of culture and communication with a focus on design and communication for eco-social transformation 5 of them are doing public lectures within the next two weeks (as part of the hearings). You are welcome to come, listen and see: …

MA Eco-Social Design starts on October. Apply until 8 July
apply now or never — at least not this year. And help to spread the message to interested people and parties. Read more about the Master in Eco-Social Design on its web page, the latest newsletter, get updates and spread via FB + twitter. Sustainable Greetings Kris >< Krois

10.6. @ unibz: Serge Latouche: Growth is the Problem, not the Solution
Serge Latouche is a fore-thinker of degrowth. The French economist / social scientist / philosopher / activist speaks in at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano on the campus Brixen-Bressanone, next wednesday, 10th of July, 18:00-20:00, Aula Magna If you don’t know Latouche and get a taste: What is degrowth? “By „degrowth“ we understand a downscaling …

Professorship in Sociology (closed)
Preliminary Request for Expressions of Interest*: In 2016 we will set up a new professorship in Sociology*. We are looking for a sociologist, who wants to engage in transdisciplinary collaborations with designers in the context of eco-social transformation. Teaching will happen in our project-oriented study programs, among others in the Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal …

Guest Lecture | 8.5. | unibz: Diverse Economies and Alternative Spaces
8.5. | 10.00 – 12.00 | unibz | Campus Brixen | Aula 1.50 Prof. Giorgos Gritzas & Prof. Karolus Kavoulakis Diverse Economies and Alternative Spaces. An Overview of Approaches and Practices Die beiden griechischen Wissenschaftler befassen sich in Theorie, Forschung und Praxis mit verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und alternativen Formen des Wirtschaftens vor dem Hintergrund der multiplen …

intense & inspiring GLOCAL DESIGN SPRING 2015
Here are some impression from the Glocal Design Spring 2015 the charming video&interview team edited. More structured videos will follow. . GDS15 was intense, inspiring and a confirmation that with our upcoming Master in Eco-Social Design we are heading in the right direction.

Glocal Design Spring 2015
March 27–28, Bolzano, Italy / transdisciplinary convention on / transformative actions, design & research \ local developments & global contexts / design as a catalyst of change in preparation of the Master in Glocal Design. with \ Christa Müller / Aral Balkan \ Lucas Evers / Doina Petrescu \ Brave New Alps / Armin Bernhard \ Günter …

28.5. 16:00 Brixen: Klimawandel in der Alpenregion
Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp, Umweltsoziologin, München Klimawandel in der Alpenregion – Wie können Gemeinden aktiv werden? Cordula Kropp ist eine der bekanntesten Umweltsoziologinnen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung stellt sie Ergebnisse von Feldstudien in Bayern, Südtirol und Nordtirol vor. Cordula Kropp orientiert sich in ihrer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit konsequent an den Leitbildern einer transformativen …

Marianella Sclavi: E’ come fare la piadina | 01.04. 19:00
Tuesday the 1st of April there will be a new By Design or By Disaster Talk. We will have the chance to talk about facilitation, design and creative co-design with Marianella Sclavi, who studies and teaches Listening as a Craft and Conflicts’ Creative Management. She will talk about these topics from her experiences, on one …

21.3: Welche Schönheit wird die Welt retten?
Zygmunt Bauman in a conversation with Agnes Heller 21.3. 2014 18.00 Aula Magna Bozen | unibz I found Baumann’s book Liquid Modernity enlightening for its precise and critical observations of contemporary globalized and industrialized society. Not exactly positive. Therefore, i am very curious to hear about the idea how beauty can save the world. Sounds …