DEDie Vortragsreihe „Oben bleiben. Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ spannt den Bogen vom Gedenkjahr 1525 an den Bauernkrieg in Tirol bis zur aktuellen Situation der Landwirtschaft in Südtirol und Europa, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Marktorientierung, Klimawandel und Umweltschutz bewegt. Damals wie heute befindet sich die Landwirtschaft in einer prekären Situation, die bäuerliches Durchhaltevermögen und Widerstand gleichermaßen …

South Tyrol’s first Climate Citizens’ Assembly concluded
The Climate Citizen Assembly (CCA) South Tyrol – the Klimabürgerrat / Consiglio dei cittadini per il Clima – held its last meeting on the weekend of 1-2 June 2024. Citizens’ assemblies have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation. They are seen as an instrument of democratization …

Glocal Worm-ing Exhibition at the Naturmuseum Südtirol
Eco-Social Design graduate Merve Bektas is exhibiting her thesis project “Glocal Worm-ing” at the Naturmuseum Südtirol, in partnership with the Faculty of Design/Art, as part of Bolzano Art Weeks 2022 Exhibition 24.09-02.10.2022 at the Naturmuseum Südtirolh 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30)Free AdmissionVia dei Bottai 1, Bolzano-Bozen From the 24th of September to the 2nd of October …

Gabò Bartha: Terrapolis experience in Tokaj region, Hungary – a foodscape niche with orach
Monday, 27 May, 18:30 – 20:00, F0.01, Faculty for Design & Art, Unibz The talk is about how Terrapolis garden and its guest table came into being after settling to a world heritage wine region in a severely underdeveloped part of Hungary following a series of food-related activities. I will also give an insight into …