calls ~ By Design and by Disaster 2025 on hope

calls ~ By Design and by Disaster 2025 on hope

Following the call for papers and visual essays for the By Design and by Disaster Conference 2025, we are excited to publish fresh calls for hands-on workshops and short talks. For workshoppers and short talkers we cover travel expenses, offer simple overnight stay, free entry and food, and in case we gather sufficient sponsoring money, we also might be able to pay …

hope ~ reclaiming the future

hope ~ reclaiming the future

»Start this book, or start your thesis, your essay, your talk, your thinking, your design, your gardening, your building, your song, your dance not from fear and enclosure but from richness: now is the time for our hearts to dance. Now is the time to write the poetry of overflowing.« These lines from the introduction …

By Design and by Disaster conference 2024: Call for workshops and talks

By Design and by Disaster conference 2024: Call for workshops and talks

Following the call for papers and visual essays for By Design and by Disaster Conference 2024, we are excited to announce calls for hands-on workshops and 7 x 7 talks today.  By Design and by Disaster has been bringing together people and organizations from diverse fields such as design, art, sciences, activism, rural and urban development, etc. since 2013. Taking place in BASIS Vinschgau Venosta …

CARE BEYOND CRISES ∙ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2020

CARE BEYOND CRISES ∙ By Design or by Disaster Conference 2020

17–19 December 2020 – online and convivial with Niels Hendriks (Dementia lab), Amy Franceschini (Future Farmers), Bianca Elzenbaumer (Alpine Community Economies Lab / Brave New Alps) Andrea Vetter (Laboratory for new economic ideas), Andreas Unteidig (MA Transformationdesign, HbK Brunswickshig), Elke Krasny (exhibition & book: ‘Critical Care – Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet’) and …

Call: Make Transformation Tangible!

Call: Make Transformation Tangible!

Projects, papers, provocations, products, purgatories, paradises, promises, plans, phantasies, policies, poetries … wanted, related to the topic of our annual conference BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER: Make Transformation Tangible! 11–14 April 2019 With the organization of our conference BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER 2019 in full swing, we’re excited to announce the MemActs*. In this …