Transforming open spaces for young refugees
Covid-19 brought huge challenges, especially to vulnerable groups. Education was difficult to access and young refugees were even more segregated from the social space. In this crisis the project “Sommerzelt” was developed in collaboration with different stakeholders. The spatial intervention created a frame for activities led by many actors. Between August and October 2020 three parking lots were transformed into a space for young refugees. The design of the Habibi Dome made various usages possible and evolved into a place where learning, exchange and encounter became possible in the pandemic. The short presentation will illustrate shortly the process, design and experiences from this project.
Co-creative processes and agile working methods become even more important during Covid-19.
How much temporality is essential and how much continuity do designs by disaster need?
Marlene Franck holds a master’s degree in architecture and urban planning from the University in Stuttgart (2020) and a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the HTWG Konstanz (2017). In Addition, she spent one semester abroad at the Universidad Mayor in Santiago the Chile and completed an internship at KCAP Architects and Planners in Rotterdam. During her studies she has developed a special interest in the interplay of the design of processes and spaces. Since 2018 she is working for the initiative Home Not Shelter! by the Hans Sauer Stiftung. The project is part of the social design lab and aims to understand and improve the conditions of refugees living in standardized accommodations in Stuttgart Münster through participatory design processes.
recommended readings or other media
- Frank Gesemann / Roland Roth(Hrsg.): Handbuch Lokale Integrationspolitik, Wiesbaden: Springer 2018
- Christine Hannemann / Karin Hauser (Hg.): Zusammenhalt braucht Räume. Wohnen integriert, Berlin: jovis 2020
- Larissa Kurt: Empowerment Tool. Eine Untersuchung von Methoden und Wirkmechanismen partizipativer Gestaltungsprozesse zur Förderung der Selbstwirksamkeit, Bachelorarbeit Weimar 2018 (
- Hişar Schönfeld: Urban Transformation Design. Grundrisse einer zukunftsgewandten Raumpraxis, Basel: Birkhäuser 2020