The digital ‘Now’ is forcing us to critically re-examine the technology we use. Do we want network infrastructure, online platforms, clouds, social communication tools and services developed by large companies (GAFAM/BATX) for profit or are we striving for net

neutrality? Do we comply with the commercial surveillance state or can we get a say in our collected data and digital profiling? By managing servers ourselves? And what are the geo-political and material-ecological effects of these omnipresent virtual machines

embedded in data centers? Are their programs biased? Do they exclude are or are there digital solidarity networks? Within this session we will consciously look for care, prevention, knowledges, insights and a critical ability to build resistance. That is healthier.

 I have nothing to hide

I don’t know anything of technology

I am the product

Short Bio

ooooo is a transuniversal constellation that initiates, mediates, facilitates, cures and appropriates projects – generating thought, reflection and praxis on complex issues – hosted by Marthe Van Dessel (BE), an Antwerp-based activist and performer; who explores

software and hardware based thinking & strategies. She develops interfaces, devices & protocols around the commons and collective identities.

recommended readings or other media

– collective letter

– manual / hackingwithcare

– sound piece / under the cloud :