15:45 – 17:15, 12 July
Protest Poster Production
Presented by
Eliza Zimmerman and Nicole Faiella
Situating ourselves among Momo and her young friends trying to wake up the adults and protesting against our time being stolen, we will shout out the world through thick brushes and bright paint to reclaim our time. This workshop starts with taking time to read together a fragment of the more-than-children book Momo by Michel Ende. Then, we will create rough paintings, posters and manifestos that express and protest against our struggles of never having enough time. We will use a collective language of visual elements to interconnect the posters. After the conference, the artworks will be added to the already existing collection safeguarded and occasionally exhibited in the city and beyond.
About Eliza Zimmerman and Nicole Faiella
Eliza and Nicole are two eco-social design graduates and SF lovers who for their thesis ‘Time interactions for Care’ collaborated with the Time Bank of Bolzano and the Municipal Office of Time in the City.
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