Unless otherwise specified, conference events will take place on the 6th floor of the F-building (F6), unibz.
Thursday 22 March
18:00 Exhibition opening of the MA Eco-Social Design projects (Foyer in front of unibz library, first floor)
Friday 23 March
09:30 Check-in
10:00 Conference opening and greetings
10:30 Assemble Studio (UK)
11:30 Adelheid Biesecker (DE)
12:30 Lunch and mingling (unibz mensa, red room)
14:00 Officine Zero (IT)
15:00 Viktoria Heinrich / IDRV (AT)
16:00 Pecha Kucha Session 1
17:00 Coffee break
17:30 Forum Theatre: »The press is coming!« by students of the course Participation & Moderation (C4.01)
20:00 Social dinner at Nadamas
Saturday 24 March
10:00 Connecting the dots: a summary of day one by Alvise Mattozzi
10:15 Book presentation by Brave New Alps: »Learn to Act – a manual for mutual local and trans-local learning«
10:45 Pecha Kucha Session 2
11:30 Coffee break
13:30 »Open Space«
16:00 Walk to train station
16:35 Train departs for Schluderns-Sluderno and Mals-Malles
20:00 Concert and pizza at the »Hier & Da« Festival
Overnight in Schluderns-Sluderno and Mals-Malles
Sunday 25 March
10:00 Interactive »walking idea« workshops including snacks
(warm, comfortable shoes needed)
15:00 Last gathering and conference wrap up with soup at Kulturhaus Mals
16:20 Train departs from Mals-Malles
Note: When you sign up for one of the three interactive workshops at check-in on Friday morning you will receive exact information regarding times and meeting points.